

Pregnant with #3
May 19, 2008
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i know weve had a few of these threads in the past but we have quite a few new people now so thought it would be nice to do another

so why do you use cloth nappies?

for me it was purely about the cuteness, i never really thought about the environmental impact until i came on here so that didnt really influence my initial decision to use cloth nappies although now it is one of my reasons for carrying on

i started cos i was looking on the internet for sewing patterns for baby stuff when i was pregnant and i cam across a cloth nappy pattern, i made one up (out of an old curtain - which she never wore cos it was too small and didnt have any fastenings on :haha:) and i was converted from then on, we still used disposables until i had a good enough stash going, we used all the cloth then while those were washing (we only had like 2 or 3 to start with - all handmade lol) we used disposables, its only the past year weve had enough to use full time

so whats your story?

I started on them when she was new because the thought of throwing out bags of nappies in the bin made me feel very guilty!

We had a period of using sposies since she became more active because I felt the BG I was using were restricting her - they always seem to chunky betwwen her legs - and also I hated washing so much stuff.

I am now using a mix of flips, itti bitti & northern lights.

I am always surprised at the reaction people give when they know what we use, especially people over 45!! They are like really? wow thats great!

Yesterday my friends mum had a rummage in the itti bitti bag and she really didn't think that is what they looked like, she said she didn't realise they had moved on so much since terry squares, although I did tell her some folk do still use that kind too!
my mam was like that aswell, when i showed her some of the ones i made she was like :shock: this is soooooo good, she used terry nappies, pins and those little plastic pants on all of us hehe

I had thought about using cloth since Aisling was born but never got around to it. My main reason initially was the cost factor, with the environment coming second and cuteness coming third. Now thanks to you lot, it's cuteness first, environment second and cost is a long and distant memory! :haha:

We have a real mixture now, a good few Flips, Ittis, BBOS, my lovely Mammy Made and am building up to 4 WNs :D
hahaha yeh it is deffo not cheaper to use cloth, well it is if you are good about it but theres too many cute expensive nappies out there lol

i always wanted to do cloth mainly for cuteness but when i had my first i lived somewhere where i couldn't have a washing machine so it never happened. I joined naturalmamas 2 years ago when it was rumplebums, saw all the fab nappies that were available and felt bad about the number of disposables that had gone to the landfill from my 3 kids in just 2 years and wanted to give it a go. We started with little lambs and imse vimse which were fab when he was little. Then we switched to blueberries and ittibittis. Unfortunately my washing machine started playing up and i started to find everything a bit much so we switched to eco disposables for a while. I bought a new washing machine with my sure start maternity grant this time round but only used cloth part time so there wasn't too much pressure on me. I discovered flips a few weeks ago and we've been mainly in cloth ever since :)
So when I was pregnant we went to the baby show and was intorduced to bambino mio nappies. After thinking about it for the day we decided to buy some and so bought a starter kit. When izzie was born though, to many complications etc got in th way and they got shoved to one side and never saw the light of day lol

then in march, I got talking to twig and she offered to lend me a tots bots, i got talking to OH and we decided to pop to MC and see what they have and ended up buying some BGV3s

we always wanted to use them as my oh is very much into protecting what's around us! He's a country bumpkin and grew up on a farm lol

so originally it was envioroment but now it's prettyness and I am antotal convert. Although as izzie is a heavy wetter we still haven't tried night nappies but have not gt kitted out to try lol
i started to use cloth with my first son, cause of the enviroment and that i was at home so could do all the washing, we used kushies, which were given to us and we added too. we had 10 so did cloth part time but by the time i had gone back to work i couldnt dry the nappies in time and nursery wouldnt use them. MIL used terry towels on Lo though.

Although i wanted to try cloth with alexander, it was the expense of the nappies and he didnt fit the kushies, so ordered a trial bag from little lambs which didnt fit him well so started to be put off. i went on to here and people advised me to get preloved nappies and to try a different selection, also thanks to my mum and dad who gave us £100 towards the nappies.
Now i cant wait to get my first custom made wn for alexander :happydance: I never thought i would pay £30 for a nappy but it will be a nappy that we will keep. :flower:
I havent started using them yet (just over 4 weeks to go!!!!)- but hope i can join in anyway?

I want to use them because im forgetful, and i just know that i'll keep running out of disposables n forget to buy them! :rofl: And i didnt like the thought of having to spend £10 each and every week on nappies. Yet i dont mind spending stupid amounts of money on reuseables, as it seems like more of an investment: buying disposables just seems like throwing money away? (ot, but thats also the reason ive never tried smoking! lol).

My stash is mainly tots bots, n a couple of blueberry n weenotions wraps. But my new goal is to get "1 of everything!" uhoh! well- surely i need to know whats out there?!
I don't technically use cloth nappies yet but I'll be buying my first lot on Monday when I've got more money in my account. I was intending to use them with Aaron to save money and because I don't like all the chemicals in disposables. But by the time things had settled back down after having Aaron, he was almost a year old and it seemed a bit pointless from a cost-saving point of view. This time things have gone back to normal much quicker so we'll be going ahead with cloth. My plans to save money have gone out of the window since finding the weenotions website though! :blush:
I had always intended on using cloth, mostly because I hate the thought of the chemicals in disposibles and also because I hate Proctor & Gamble (Pampers), due to their hideous animal testing :(
Anyhoo, I bought 20 bamboo terrys whilst I was pregnant, but once lo was here, I found them too bulky, as he was much smaller than anticipated.
I ended up going onto AIO's/AI2's etc, and currently have a stash containing Itti's, WN's, Pop-In's, Flips, BG's and BB's :)
I love the slim fit of the Flips and I use bamboo Pop-Ins at night xxxx
I want to use them because im forgetful, and i just know that i'll keep running out of disposables n forget to buy them! :rofl:

:haha: We used disposables until she was 9 months old and there was more than one mad dash to the shops because we'd nearly run out!
Well I was converted by sarah (Blob)- she used cloth on tabitha and when I saw them on her I fell in love with the prettyness!! I loved how much more natural they were, and after seeing sarah use them first hand (and saw how easy it was)...when I fell pregnant I was completely adamant on cloth for my LO.

Abigail was born and I already had about 10 pockets (which were a bit big for her straight away) we used sposies for the meconium poops and for the first 4 weeks as I had a really hard time with severe mastitis and just had no motivation for anything. Once she hit 4 weeks I had her in cloth in daytime and then at 5 weeks she was in cloth full time....

iv never looked back- I love cloth, love not having chemicals against my precious little baby's skin, not feeling the guilt of throwing yet another nappy that will take a hundred years to decompose and throwing away yet another tenner on sposies each week...

plus I looove being a bit different, and love that other mummies (and complete strangers) comment on how gorgeous her nappys are :D
my motivation is mainly cost, with environment second. I don't care for fancy or expensive nappies - my most expensive single nappy is a new bamboo Pop-in and I don't rate it very highly and wouldn't bother getting any more. the majority of our stash is pre-loved, though my BGv3s were new (I put my council voucher towards them) and my Flips are new.

once I'd done some reading about the environmental impact of disposables I couldn't unread it, if you know what I mean, couldn't put the genie back in the bottle. we do use disposables overnight though, mostly because my husband wants to. I would like to ditch *some* of those but am not inclined to spend a lot of money on specific night nappies.
I wanted to try them just to try, but once I did I was hooked. They are so cute and so many to choose from. The fact that they are good for the environment was of course a plus, they are better for their skin, he seemed much more comfortable and I just preferred to use them instead of sposies :)
I had a few reasons I started to look at cloth, first was that I am into recycling, energy saving etc so I looked at cloth initially for that but also because our bins are fortnightly and disposables stink and I really did not want 2 weeks of smelly nappies outside my front door ALSO I had such serious problems with disposables and leaking and nappy rash that I figured cloth couldnt be worse and that two parter systems were the way to go.
My reasons for cloth have expanded ever since...the environment, smelly bin and leakage still remain our top reasons but money comes into it, even though I do buy more pretty nappies than I need (way more!) I STILL am saving money (esp when I factor in the reusable wipes) which makes me feel very happy!
Not quite there yet, but basically I'm cheap and a bit of a control freak :rofl:. I'm not so into the pretty ones (I have some solid colour pocket nappies that will either work or I will sell them and get others) so the initial cost was certainly less than a year of disposables. And control freak as I don't like the chemicals. I mean I make most of our food from scratch and even the dog food gets made by me weekly. I'm very fussy about things like that.

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