My milk came in at 3 days post section, which I believe is pretty normal. I held the baby immediately after birth, and then got her to latch on 40 minutes post section. She knew what to do pretty much straight away. I sought advice off the midwife before she latched on though to make sure I do it right (first baby). Offered the breast to the baby pretty much each time she was fussy which I think sped up things. Baby lost lots of weight initially though, which is normal and expected (I have a feeling it was all poo lol!!), then she plateau-ed towards the end of the first week and midwives were worried so she was weighed every second day to make sure she starts gaining. There was quite a lot of pressure and guilt trips threatening her switching to formula so it was not a pleasant experience knowing she is not gaining and worrying my breast milk is not enough! I started expressing using a pump and fed her more often and much larger quantities than initially advised by the midwife (checked this website Had been advised to give her 30 ml at a time or offer a breast at a time and alternate! Which was rubbish really. She put away 7 oz (over 200 ml) soon after being offered the bottle (breastmilk), i.e. the milk off both of my breasts! It seems she hadn't been having enough milk! Once we were on the case, she started gaining and there are currently no concerns (just under a month old at the moment). Btw my nipples cracked the first few days after her birth, and it was sheer agony in the beginning, I had the help of breastfeeding volunteers which visited me at home a few times, and it seems that baby was not latching very well (she has been sucking her cheeks in from the very beginning, and I suspect it has been due to that vile Lansinoh cream). Expressing breast milk and massaging the nipple area with that did wonders though, and now I express during the day (am back at work...) and breastfeed during the night, one of my nipples remained very sensitive but it is bearable. So simply try your hardest, offer the breast to your baby from the very beginning regularly, and get all the advise you can get. Breastfeeding advice volunteers are sooooo helpful!! If something doesn't work out, don't feel bad, just spend lots of skin to skin with your baby, this is what matters in the end. Hugs and good luck!