Aw she is gorgeous! The corners of her eyes look very much like my DDs eyes.
^ Agree. Totally unfair for your healthcare providers to allow you to keep feeling this way.
Hi, I don't know where you are but my little girl was high risk for Down syndrome when I was pregnant and we never found out either way.. I was offered a blood test for her when she was born and told she could have it any time if I was worried. I'd try a different doctor if it's something that's going to keep playing on your mind. Tbh I think it's very unprofessional and mean for you to be told she has markers then just leave you when a simple blood test could make the worry go. For what it's worth tho I think it's extremely unlikely from your pregnancy screening and she doesn't at all look like she has it, to me at least.
She is so lovely!!! I see nothing of concern from her pictures at all. Her eyes look normal and just like all babies eyes to me?? Oh my gosh DD went through a stage at the same age where she stuck her tongue out and scrunched her nose up and it just was the silliest look! Then when I would try to take pictures of her she did it even more dramatically then laughed hysterically! It's probably just a phase!
I understand about the wait thing - it sucks - but if you look at the facts, DS is about SO much more than a couple of facial features. In fact, the appearance of a child with Down's would be (I imagine) the least of a parent's worries with a firm Down's diagnosis for their child. It's about large delays in development, both physically and mentally. Low muscle tone. Poor feeding. Missed milestones. All that other horrible stuff you read about.
If your LO is hitting the milestones for her age (you already mentioned her great muscle tone), I honestly don't see how she could have Down's.
I'm guessing you're in America as you didn't spell 'paediatrician' with the 'a' LOL, but here is our NHS page for the syndrome. It mentions that ALL children with DS have mental and motor delays and lists a few that might apply to your LO's current developmental stage.
Aw she is gorgeous! The corners of her eyes look very much like my DDs eyes.
Thanks so muchHow old is your daughter and is she caucasion too?
Aw she is gorgeous! The corners of her eyes look very much like my DDs eyes.
They are perfectly normal eyes! They look similar here in structure to my LO's (I have posted a picture, please excuse the boob in it - it was just a good example of her eyes lol). You can see the little pink bit in the corner and everything in your picture.
One of the babies I know who definitely has the folds, much more prominently than your baby, is a very chunky baby, so it could be a weight thing.
My DD's eyes looked just like that. She is a perfectly normal and healthy five year old now and the bridge of her nose is more developed.
Aw she is gorgeous! The corners of her eyes look very much like my DDs eyes.
Thanks so muchHow old is your daughter and is she caucasion too?
Yes she is, no asian heritage and she is 12 months, they have maybe become less prominent recently. Just for reassurance type 'baby eyes' on Google images and a fair few have the folds
She is gorgeous! She doesn't look at all like she has Down's syndrome to me. It's horrible when someone - esp a healthcare professional - worries you with stuff like this.
Your baby is gorgeous! I don't know much about DS, but was curious about these eye folds so I started to google. On the website I came across it said that these folds are common in very young children, people of asian descent, and can be a marker for down syndrome. So to me it seems that it can be common in people with down syndrome, but is also common in young children....kinda seems like the whole austism thing. Traits are common in general in children, but it's when you have a bunch of them you need to start looking at things...and even then it may mean nothing.
As for the tongue- When I was reading physical characteristics of DS, it said that they stick their tongue out because there mouth is small and lips are thin, which makes their tongue protrude (I think it said because they have a hard time breathing with a small mouth. From the pic of your baby I certainly don't see a small mouth with thin lips! In your case it just seems like a typical baby thing...not due small mouth of DS.
You seem to be aware and looking for things, so I'm pretty sure if there were a problem you would know because you are on top of it. My guess would be you would be seeing some obvious developmental issues. If your not, I wouldn't worry at all!