Woohoo I'm finally a mammy :) -labour story inside


Mother of one :)
Oct 22, 2009
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Jst over last week on the thirteenth of June I gave birth to my gorgeous baby boy. I had been rushed into hospital three days before as my blood pressure was too high and I was five days over my due date. They decided to induce me. Using first the 24 hour pessary then the six hour ones. The first six hour one gave me contractions and we were hopefully that that would be it however they tapered off. The third however involved a sweep too and it really kicked things off. I tried using the birthing balls however baby was back to back and any pressure near my pelvis was seriously uncomfortable- even going to the loo I was convinced I had a full bowel and couldn't sit properly on the toilet in fear any pushing would make him come out lol. By te evening I was only 2/3cms and my mother who was my birthing partner was asked to leave. As a result I was on a ward with two women who had their curtains permntantly shut and a girl who'd been diagnosed with a clot on her brain and who was only 28 weeks pregnant. She was a lovely girl who had enough on her mind but was thoroughly traumatised by what was happening to her and the fact I was panting hard and the curtained girl between us was screaming all evening. She then got moved out of the room to a specialised ward so I shut my curtains. The contractions felt harder and more unbareable then and I got more panicky hearing the girl in the next bed who kept getting checked and being told three cms but she needed to be four before she would be moved to the birthing rooms.
I waited as long as I could with each contraction which felt like I had an elastic band around my tummy and like someone was punching me in the bal(due to the baby facing wrong way apparently. Then I called the midwife and asked if I could have another pethadine or anything as I was really hurting, terrified she'd say I was only 3cms still. I'm quite a quiet person and hadn't been screaming or moaning jst gasping and deep breathing so she said she wasn't going to give me an internal. That was until I had my contraction and she changed her mind. She said I was four cms and walked me to the labour ward. As shy as I am I was happy to waddle to the birth ward in just my undies but she encouraged me to put on my dressing gown and off I went. In the birth suite I tried gas and air and had no bad effects off it but to my dissapointment whilst it made me relaxed and high between contractions , when they hit the gas did nothing. Midwife explains that was due to his position and suggested the epidural if I wanted as it would really help. At this point it was 4.30am, I had managed to have few hours sleep the previous morning , and was already shattered. I opted for an epidural and within 20 minutes when my partner And mother had arrived , the epidural was in and working. It is an amazing form of pain releif and despite my fear of needles I barely felt it- just a cold feeling and maybe a electric pulse when the cold went in. 16 hours went by and I was so comfy and exhausted I dropped In and out of sleep. Unfortunately when I finally became 10cms , the doctors decided that something was wrong and I ended up being put in stirrups. A very nervewracking experience and unfortunately thanks to the epidural and baby being bal to back I'm pretty sure I farted a few times during the whole situation. The room then filled up and about ten doctors and midwives surrounded me. It seems like ages but the actual birth was only five minutes. I was drowsing in and out an couldn't concentrate on what they were saying but they cut me and told me I needed forceps , then told me he was on his way. One push and his head was out. Two and he was out. Then the doctor splattered my mother with my placenta that he dropped on the floor. My little boy was placed on my chest whilst they stiched me . However with the stiches and the shaking I was doing i asked my mother to have him , I was terrified I'd drop him. It seemed like feeling had returned to my nether regions and I could feel the stitches going in. I couldn't stop my legs from jerking when I felt them and was seriously hurting so they rushed me into theatre and gave me a spinal epidural so they could stitch up my episiotomy and third degree tear. I remember them chrcking i was numb and then i fell asleep naturally lol.Two hours later and I was cradling my seven pound two boy in my arms.

The whole birth went nothing to plan and if I'm honest was less painful than I expected . It was more the fear when things went wrong, and pressure . A lot of pressure. The stitches hurt most an I'm sure had the epidural not worn off then I wouldn't of felt them. Every contraction I'd had was worth it but the prospect of ever doing it again is daunting!.
Congrats and well done! Enjoy your little man and don't worry, time dulls the memory of the traumatic parts!
Yay congratulations on your little man :happydance:
2 Years on and I mainly remember the good bits, I'm doing it again so can't have been that bad :winkwink:
Sounds similar to my birth story!! Congratulations xx
Congratulations and thank you for sharing your birth story. I'm a first time mom so I really appreciate it!
Sounds like my birth with my son, he was 9lb 5oz , I had 2 epidurals as one fell out. It stopped working by the time I was psuhing. I pushed for hours then I was cut , I lost so muc blood I needed 4 transfusions , I swore never again, and here I am 16 months later pregnant lol. I'm sxcared but u do forget the pain x

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