I have been getting really upset about the thought of going bacck to work next year. My LO is only 6 weeks but am hating the idea of leaving her with anyone else so am wanting to find out early about work since cannot afford to not work at all. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of work you can do from home. Im a primary school teacher and also have early years proffesional status so was going to look into childminding. Not sure how much work there would be where I live though. I am desperate to stay at home. My MIL keeps saying she wouldent mind looking after LO but I dont trust her with Josie- she doesent listen to anything we want and after stories from when husband was a child (regularly losing him at the shops) I dont want Josie going to her. I really want to be there for LO firsts and wouldent be bothered doing work such as delivering catalogues, making phone calls etc.... as log as I could stay with Josie. I was wondering if anyone has any advice and if any of you have managed to work from home?