I worry all the time about this. If you look at the stats. all over the net it doesn't look good. Apparently your fertility decreases after 24 with a dramatic fall after 35. However, you hear all the time about older mothers having babies and being fine. My worry is that it will take ages to get pregnant in the first place, and then there's a chance of miscarriage etc. When you're older you don't always have time if things go wrong. I'm just a natural worrier though!
Fingers crossed it will all work out for you and all others including myself who chooose to have children 'later' in life!
I'm 32 and I've wanted to start a family for about a year now, but had to wait for OH to feel ready
But i'm really feeling the clock ticking. I think if i already had one, then i would feel more relaxed about having another at this age, because it's not really old, but i'm worried about what if we can't? I'll totally regret not having pushed the matter sooner!