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Worried and just need to talk.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
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Back before I became pregnant with my DS, I had a PAP and found out that I have HPV. While pregnant with him(in 2012), the doctor did another and everything ended up being clear and of course I was relieved. Well, the next time I had a PAP(2013) the HPV showed up with abnormal cells again. The ordered a biopsy and it showed up with severe dysplasia and was scheduled for a LEEP, which I had in September. Everything came back good after, clear margins and all. Just had to have PAPS every 3 months until we had two clear, and then back to the normal schedule. On my follow up, the HPV had shown back up. My doctor said we would wait and see what the next one showed, and we hoped it would come back good. In the meantime, I got pregnant with the current LO. Had a new PAP done at my first appointment, and just got the results in today. It's still there, although I don't know at what level. No idea if it's gotten worse or a little better or no change at all. I will have another PAP in 3 months. I'm just so worried that it will end up changing and getting worse. I've never had a family member with cervical cancer, but cancer does run in my family. My mom and my great grandma had breast cancer(mom still living, great grandma survived cancer but no longer living), my dad had lymphoma(still living), and my grandma died of lung cancer. It just scares me, and I can't really talk to DH much about it, because I don't want him to worry anymore than he does. He blames himself since he is the only man I've ever been with.(Even though I've told him that there was no way he could have known, and that about 75-80% of people will contract it in their lifetime since it is so common)
I just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for reading, even if it was kind of a ramble.
I don't know if it helps but even without treatment the majority of women with abnormal cells won't develope cancer.
I have hpv and the doctor did another extra test and it came back that it's the non-aggresive one. I am also nervous because I had my last one in June last year and I am suppose to have them every 6 months. I did however get the vaccinations to see if it will fight it off. As far as I understand what my obgyn said is that it doesn't turn cancerous within a year or two, but most likely more in a period of 5 years eventhough you get abnormal cells. So I hope that it will give you a little peace of mind.

Did they test to see if it's the aggresive cells or not?
I also think the hormones during pregnancy surpress cancer so developing cancer during pregnancy is unlikely. You are suposed to have it checked after the baby is born when your hormone levels change. Breastfeeding also lowers the risk of cancer.
Thank you. This does make me feel a bit better.
As far as I know that have not tested to see if it an aggressive type or not, or if they haven't told me. I have an appointment on the July 14th and will ask about it.

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