I started weaning when my son was 26 weeks actual or 16 corrected. He is now 36 actual and 26 corrected. I just put him up to 3 meals a day last week and he typically eats - fruit puree with baby rice for breakfast, 2 jars of organix 4 month stuff for lunch and ellas kitchen 7 month old stuff for dinner. I'm finding that he is now refusing his milk feeds. He has had 7oz -5 times a day for a long time. I'm now struggling to get him to have 3 7oz, and he refuses his night-time bottle completely. Is this normal? Is this ok? Should I get him up to eat when he is sleeping during the day? As it is, he sometimes sleeps until 2.30 before he gets lunch, then has a milk feed around 5 and dinner at 6, bedtime milk should be about 8 but as I said he is refusing. Should milk still be the priority, or should food be now? Thanks in advance!