Worries about infertility!


Nov 20, 2012
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So have an US tomorrow morning to look for PCOS as I've had one missed period and one last one in the 12 months we've been trying unsuccessfully to conceive! But I think I have Endometriosis... I have debilitating pains every period, the first day is so bad I need Panadol every 2 hours on the dot and I can't move etc, I've always thought this normal! But I'm wondering how to bring it up with the Dr. Some drs hate when you 'diagnose yourself'

I'm also upset because if I do have endo, I'm looking at Probably another 6 monts at least to conceive if I'm even able to at all! Before we were declared infertile after having tried for 12 months it was better cause there was always the 'what if' feeling about conceiving the next month but now I can't see it happening in the foreseeable future and its a horrible, horrible feeling :( so hard to deal with right now!

Another thing, has anyone quit their job to try and conceive? I'm stressing about all the appts there will be, maybe surgery and the overal stress of working while being depressed about not conceiving!

Such a rant I apologise! Any suggestions would be so great!
Hi Sammy, I don't have the luxury to quit my job to ttc. I'd be unemployed for years if I did that too and it would leave me with a lot of catching up (my industry moves fast with technology). Weather you quit or not is up to you, no one can give you that advice. Maybe your OH could help you decide. Would he be left with a burden supporting both of you or would he be quite fine?
Wait until your diagnosis, getting to the bottom of the problem is the first step anyway. I hope you figure things out soon & wishing you lots of :dust:
Hi, I was convinced I had pcos or endo aswell but I found out that I actually just had a tilted uterus. I havnt had all the test done to make sure no pcos or endo but from what the u/s shows during my Miscarrige there was nothing to make them think that. A tilted uterus can cause bad cramps,back pain,pain during intercourse. It does take longer to concieve if you find you do have it but it's a little better. Hoping everything goes fine and you're period problems just a hormonal imbalance you can get fixed up. Good luck
I just wanted to say it's probably not a good idea to quit bc of TTC. It can be all consuming and honestly if I didn't have work to keep me distracted I would lose it. Incidentally, I happened to change from a very stressful job to a self employed situation just before I started TTC. I'm definitely glad for that bc my old work wouldnt even let ppl go for dr's appts and now my schedule is totally flexible. If you can swing something like that go for it but I wouldn't give up working all together.
And with work I wouldn't quit unless there's something else to keep you busy all day and keep you're mind off of it some cause I'm a stay at home wife and well I seem to never get of this website or think about other things besides my cycle day and ovulation and the list goes on and on lol
Thanks for all your comments ladies, really appreciated! Jessandaj, could be, ill ask my dr at my follow up tomorrow about getting other tests to get to the bottom of it! I just want to know what's wrong so it can be worked on!

I should probably add that I'm studying full time at the moment too, and unfortunately I don't have a job where I can be flexible about appts. DH would support my decision no matter what and we can afford the just one wage. I wouldn't stop only to try and conceive but I can see it getting a lot harder if there are more appts and tests and potentially surgery etc!
If you have all that stuff you're mind will probably be on Wether you're at work it not so if you're work stresses you out about fitting it all in and you're fine with one income then you might consider it
You could try something like the ConceiveEasy TTC Kit for PCOS.
I demoted myself at my job...I stepped down from a lead position to back on the floor due to ttc and stress...and I'm happier! I miss it at times...but I think it has relieved some of my stress...less stress = hopefully a bfp :) so if you and you oh decide that you'd be better off quitting your job then do it. :) I know ever since we started ttc it has taken a lot of appts and lots of money :( its crazy how many doctors I have at the moment... :) good luck Hun! Hope whatever decision you two make brings you closer to a bfp!! ;)
Good on you sugarpie. I've just done the same. Had a meeting with my boss yesterday to tell him that he's got to stop loading me up with stressful jobs. Right now I've got one of the most ridiculous high maintenance clients and I told him that by January she needs to be out of my life because I have to get pregnant, the stress is killing me. I was embarrassed, I get so emotional whenever I speak about getting pregnant, I hope he didn't see my eyes get all watery.

Worked 7:00am-7pm yesterday to wrap stuff up for this wacko lady. Sooopid stoooopid people; they have no idea how their negative, controlling irrational behaviour can effect others.

The boss put a posting out for a planning designer with 3d modelling skills to take her in January. I'll be interviewing this month. Wish me good luck getting this nutcase off my back.
Oh I'm in the same field as you 2have4kids! I know exactly what you mean about the stress and overwork!!!!!

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