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Worrying About Everything after 6wk-ish scan...


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Hey all,

So I had an ultrasound this week that showed a gestational sac with no foetal pole or yolk, and the lady doing the scan was quite unconcerned and said, "Come back in 10 days, we'll do the scan again and then we'll know for sure. Because of your irregular periods you mightn't be far as long as you think."

The sac measured 15mm, and she said the gestation period was 6wks 2 days.

I saw my doctor on Friday, and she said at this point, they just didn't know what was up, and that she couldn't tell me the odds either way. She held my hand and said, "Just be ready for the possibility that this pregnancy might not be viable." (She's very sweet, she was very warm and gentle about it all). But she stressed that we just don't know at this moment.

Now I'm living a day at a time, trying to not panic about what my body is doing. For a few days my morning sickness was rather horrible, but today I woke up and it's not so bad. And I'm terrified! I wasn't eating so well the days I had the bad morning sickness, though, and I sort of had been forcing myself to eat food with lots of protein in it, and that always makes me feel better.

Problem is, I am over-analysing every little thing that I'm feeling. It is sending me nuts! This morning I woke up with pain in my pelvis, around my joints, and my guts felt weird. I though, with terror that I was feeling periody, but as time has gone on today I think my poor bowels are riled up from all the stress. They always feel raw and uncomfortable when I have stress-poops.

I'm having mild stabbing pains in my vulva and around the edges, but I have endometriosis, and those are the locations of pain that I have during endo, and I've been feeling them all through the pregnancy so far.

I still have six days until my next scan. Some moments I'm calm and I feel like the pregnancy is still just early and everything is okay. And then there are moments where I feel depressed and worried.

God help me get through these days! <3
Oh Hun, I'm really sorry you are waiting in agony. I wouldn't worry just yet, easier said than done, I know. Did they do any blood work to see where your hcg levels are and if they are rising? It's really hard to measure pregnancy that early on. Could just be baby is about to have a growth spurt or implantation was just a little late. I have a friend who is measuring a few days behind and is going back in 2.5 weeks for another scan. Best of luck and sending sticky baby dust.
Did you have an internal ultrasound? When I was 6+3 I has an also ultrasound and the tech could also only see the sac. He asked if I wanted to come back in 10 days or do an internal. As soon as the probe was inserted we saw out little baby with a heart beating away. It's possible that if you got an abdominal ultrasound the picture wasn't as clear. As PP said you could have ovulated and implanted late and not been as far along. Good luck.
I am in a very similar situation and I know how stressful it is. I had my scan at 5+5 internally and only saw a sac. The doc was a bit rubbish for several reasons IMO so I'm not going back to him for and paying for a 2nd private scan. He told me to wait 2-3 weeks and I already have an NHS equiv booked 3weeks1day after that first scan. It's now a waiting game until then and I still have 10 days to wait!

He measured the longest axis of an oval shaped ges. Sac at 14mm. He didn't seem overly concerned but it's a horrible time. I am just trying to keep positive. My symptoms come & go (like everybody) but are gradually getting more severe and this is by far the most nausea I've had in any pregnancy. Everyday without spotting I get more hopeful been though I know that if its not viable it might not cause bleeding till 12weeks plus.

Anyway hugs and hoping we both get good news :hugs:
I've been absolutely fraught with worry as my sickness hasn't been quite as bad today as it was yesterday. I'm still horribly tired, my boobs are huge and hard, but I haven't had any cramps today, just soreness. SOOO paranoid, it's horrible!

I had an internal, but she barely stayed in there for very long.

As I said! I do have a retroverted uterus, and it's entirely possible I could have implanted later than I thought. I'm just so stressed!
I've been absolutely fraught with worry as my sickness hasn't been quite as bad today as it was yesterday. I'm still horribly tired, my boobs are huge and hard, but I haven't had any cramps today, just soreness. SOOO paranoid, it's horrible!

I had an internal, but she barely stayed in there for very long.

As I said! I do have a retroverted uterus, and it's entirely possible I could have implanted later than I thought. I'm just so stressed!

I have a retroverted flexed cervix too and at my 8 week scan the tech spent ages in there so hopefully they just missed it. Wishing you luck that at your next scan you will see a healthy little baby with a heart beat.
My first scan caused me so much worry, i had a yolk sac fetal pole and possible heartbeat i should be 6 weeks 4 days but my sac measured 4 weeks 5 days and they think, thats fine :/ it cant be im so worried my rescan is tuesday i wish i didnt have the first one to be honest.i'm sure your next scan will be just fine try not to worry to much xx
I had my first u/s earlier this week at 6weeks and we only saw a gestational sac. Dictor doesn't seem worried and I'm going back in 10 days for a follow up scan. I know how stressed and worried you feel trust me
I got the same news yesterday so really know how you feel. Its awful just sitting and waiting and not being able to refer to the future at all as we dont know if it involves baby or not. I had an internal scan yesterday they said I was just 6 weeks, I thought I was 7. They saw a sac but nothing else. The nurse was really calm about it all and I have another scan in 10 days. I have miscarried before at 10 1/2 weeks and the image of an empty sac just says bad news to me so I was upset. I am holding out hope and my 23 month daughter keeps me busy anyway.
I dont know what to do about work next week, do you work? Are you resting? I teach so on my feet and carrying stuff all day then work every evening. They didnt give me a doc note but I might try my doctor Monday and ask for one. If things dont go to plan I dont want to be worrying that it was my fault for not resting.
Fingers crossed for you and the others going through the same thing. Talk about being stuck in limbo eh.
yep me to, im going back tues which would have been about 10 days since last one

i had a early scan said i was about 4.5 weeks sac was measuring almost 5mm.

had a scan 2 weeks later was measuring 3 different sizes at 17.7mm, 18.3mm and 15.3 so not very accurate

i think i see something in the sac but could be just a blur

does anyone have pics of theres, i zoomed in on mine and screen shotted it

this was the outcome


  • tghrthr.jpg
    26 KB · Views: 8
So many of us in the same boat! I am between 5-5 1/2 weeks and only had a sac identified in my last scan. They are worried it's another ectopic or blighted ovum but it seems so many women end up okay in the end. I hope we all get to hear baby's heartbeat soon!
Heh. All that worrying about feeling good, and I'm feeling absolutely wretched this morning. Difference? I ate *way* less meat yesterday than the day before. Plus, these symptoms come and go on a daily to hourly basis, apparently. It was a real relief waking up feeling so dreadful. I understand that you can feel perfectly hideous and still be pregnant with a blighted ovum, but for some reason I just feel more secure feeling horrid.

Well, it's the daily battle of "Let's see if I can walk to the kitchen without dry-wretching" and "What foods do I hate today?" <3

All your stories and advice and support are really, really appreciated, everyone. <3
Yea im all over the place, either eat, not eat, stomach aching, feeling ok., bloated, not bloated, constipated, not constipated
stressed, then happy, i just dont no, and im so scared for tues scan
Hey all,

So I had an ultrasound this week that showed a gestational sac with no foetal pole or yolk, and the lady doing the scan was quite unconcerned and said, "Come back in 10 days, we'll do the scan again and then we'll know for sure. Because of your irregular periods you mightn't be far as long as you think."

The sac measured 15mm, and she said the gestation period was 6wks 2 days.

I saw my doctor on Friday, and she said at this point, they just didn't know what was up, and that she couldn't tell me the odds either way. She held my hand and said, "Just be ready for the possibility that this pregnancy might not be viable." (She's very sweet, she was very warm and gentle about it all). But she stressed that we just don't know at this moment.

Now I'm living a day at a time, trying to not panic about what my body is doing. For a few days my morning sickness was rather horrible, but today I woke up and it's not so bad. And I'm terrified! I wasn't eating so well the days I had the bad morning sickness, though, and I sort of had been forcing myself to eat food with lots of protein in it, and that always makes me feel better.

Problem is, I am over-analysing every little thing that I'm feeling. It is sending me nuts! This morning I woke up with pain in my pelvis, around my joints, and my guts felt weird. I though, with terror that I was feeling periody, but as time has gone on today I think my poor bowels are riled up from all the stress. They always feel raw and uncomfortable when I have stress-poops.

I'm having mild stabbing pains in my vulva and around the edges, but I have endometriosis, and those are the locations of pain that I have during endo, and I've been feeling them all through the pregnancy so far.

I still have six days until my next scan. Some moments I'm calm and I feel like the pregnancy is still just early and everything is okay. And then there are moments where I feel depressed and worried.

God help me get through these days! <3
Hi there! I had a scan at 5weeks 4 days and they only saw sac. I'm going back when il be 6weeks 6days. They were not concerned at all. I no I was earlier then you but apparently it's very normal early on not to see a baby yet.

I also have endometriosis and having aches and pains here and there, only of there's bleeding I was told with the cramping was I to be worried. Your body is going through changes with hormones, stretching and increased blood flow to your uterus.

This is my first pregnancy and I'm stressing over everything!
I'm hoping we both go for our scans and see little beans!

Good luck!!!!!
good luck so we are all in the waiting game atm

i keep gettin cramps that has me worried, im running to loo thinking oh no its arrived cause cramping is all over the place
but no spotting or bleeding
Same thing happened to me, I was 7 weeks and had bleeding. We went for a scan and they said I measured 5+3 with no foetal pole or heartbeat. Come back in 2 weeks.
I didn't wait 2 weeks and booked a private scan for 7days later. At the private scan we were shown the baby with a heartbeat now measuring 6+3
7 days later I went back for my hospital scan confident as I'd seen baby and the scan showed I was 9 weeks. In the space of 2 weeks the baby had grown and caught up to my lmp dates.

Sometimes they can just be a bit stubborn Hun.

Are you able to book a private scan as it really provided me reassurance.
The scan is on Friday coming and I don't know if my health insurance covers private ultrasounds. The lady pretty much said that I needed the ten days to give things a chance to progress. I'll do the scan then, I honestly thing it'll come quicker than I realise. It's Monday tomorrow and I had the scan Wednesday, so the days are going by fast enough for me to cope.

As I said above, I have been feeling pretty pregnant today. Back to the ol' "GOD I feel GROSS" with odd moments of feeling perfectly fine after eating. Which is the norm with the ladies in my family. I honestly think I'm less far along than originally thought.

Waiting is horrible, though. And just not knowing. I just keep praying, keep asking my angels to look out for me. I know they're up there. <3

My love and hugs to all going through the same thing who have left me messages. I knew that when I got pregnant, I wouldn't be alone again. I had no idea how much support comes from perfect strangers. You lot are *awesome*.
agree its nice to be able to talk hey

my scan is tomorrow im so scared
nothing seen go see dr in morning and see what she says

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