Worst doctors visit ever!


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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I need advice after this terrible doctors visit. I've been having crazy irregular periods for over 2 years now. My doctor says I am totally normal though and ridiculed my fiancee for pressing her on why my cycles are 30-70 days long saying he should be an engineer and that bodies are not robots. She then wouldn't prescribe clomid until we try for another year and said we should just go to Hawaii for 2 weeks and then it'll happen and that we're "trying too hard". My fiancee then tried to explain his SA result to her (204 million count, 61% motility, but crap morphology of 4%) and she said that is why his doctor gave us a referral, but she never would because I check out as normal even though I've only had ultrasounds and bloodwork done on no particular day of my cycle.

UGHHH! Didn't get clomid or anything productive out of that. Good thing we got the other referral or we'd be set back a whole year. Too bad we have a 4 month wait.

He then asked why I can't take metformin and she said that she isn't gonna prescribe something if she doesn't know what the side effects would be and that he should try and take it and see what its like as a joke. My fiancee is very active in trying to correct this problem reading multiple doctoral studies every night and pushing doctors and its like she got annoyed with that.

THE WORST PART was when she said the miscarriage she told me about last time wasn't a confirmed miscarriage when my fiancee brought up the prior pregnancy. She asked what we were referring too and then said ohh, that wasn't a confirmed miscarriage despite her calling me saying it showed up on a blood test. Also, my fiancee said we had taken a pregnancy test which confirmed it and she said it could have been a false positive. Now were afraid we never even concieved at all and are back to square 1!
Wow...that is really crappy! Have you been ttc for 2 years also? I don't know why they wouldn't do more for you. Good thing you have someone else to go to becuase the doc you went to doesn't seem to know what she is doing. Don't you just want to scream when people tell you to go on a vaca and it will happen? We actually were so desperate we tried it in August...too bad it doesn't work that way!
I'm sorry you have to wait 4 months, but good luck with it. Maybe you will get your bfp before your appt!
Hi Navywife, our TTC is kinda complicated. I had to go on the pill for a year to get rid of cysts which delayed it, but if you add in that, yes it will be over 2 years now. She did nothing and said I was totally normal when I clearly am not. I have irregular bleeding all the time, pain, long cycles, temp charting shows no ovulation etc, but I somehow am "normal" with no PCOS or endo. She said the ultrasounds didn't show that, but I don't think they really show it necessarily in the first place. Its even more annoying how no doctors understand SA's at all.
My fiancee also feels like total crap now as she said it must be all him as to why we're not conceiving since I'm normal. Ughhh. We were so hopeful that we could at least try clomid until the FS appointment to feel productive. or at least metformin. sorry, I just need to rant right now.
My fiancee also feels like total crap now as she said it must be all him as to why we're not conceiving since I'm normal. Ughhh. We were so hopeful that we could at least try clomid until the FS appointment to feel productive. or at least metformin. sorry, I just need to rant right now.

Wow! Ok...I don't even know where to start! I am absolutely livid by reading your post! What the bleeping bleep!!! Ok, first of all, and I know you know this, but you're not normal! So for her to say it's him...what the he'll, that's a load of crap!! Plus you have to do labs and u/s on specific days I think to confirm PCOS and endo is ONLY confirmed or dismissed by a laparoscopy! Ok, getting pissed at the doc again, I need to go calm down.
Thanks for commiserating Phoenixrose! I don't get how she is saying I'm normal either. My fiancee made a comment about how we'd like to try clomid since we both have slight issues and she said that I have no issues whatsoever that showed up on the u/s or bloodtests so there would be no reason to do that.

For her to also say it wasnt a confirmed miscarriage even though I bled for 20 days and passed what looked like a fetus sickened us. So what, if I didn't miscarry like she said was possible, the 20 day bleed was normal? So confused.

P.S How is the clomid cycle going for you?
Oh wow I am so sorry you had such a bad appt! Hopefully your new doctor is alot more helpful!
That is terrible. You can be diagnosed with PCOS off of just an ultrasound and bloodwork (on no particular day of your cycle) since that is how I was diagnosed. But, your doc needs to be willing to be helpful which it sounds like yours is not. Mine basically told me that no cysts showed on the ultrasound and everything was normal there but my LH and FSH levels are opposite of what they're supposed to be and my cycles are crazy (50-100+ days) so my doctor said she's making an assumption and diagnosing me based off of that. So sorry you had to deal with a doctor who was unwilling to listen and help. Hopefully your new referral will be much more helpful to you. We need a little understanding when going through this process!
Holy #$*% what a...well, I won't actually type the word I'm thinking.

I would complain to the practice manager, personally. I'm doing that about my old doctor and he didn't say a fraction of the things this woman did.

How completely and totally unprofessional. Absolutely gross behaviour. I'm so sorry you had to go through that!
That sounds awful. I have been trying for 14 months, when to my ob/gyn and she said I was young, it will happen when it is suppose to, and to try my bbt ( although I have been doing this for months!) she then went on to say that I need to concentrate on my weight instead of having a baby (bmi is 27). When she was not willing to help I got tearful and she told me "quit crying". I refuse to go back and maybe you should do the same thing. I am being seen by a fertility specialist now. Do you need a referral from your insurance? I am so happy since I have made the change!
what a rude doctor!! I am so angry for you! I would see someone else..
Yeah I too would see someone else, a fertility specialist rather than an ob/gyn maybe?
Thats terrible.

Most GP's aren't up to date with Fertility issues, mine admitted he is not and sent us to a FS, who knew a lot more.

At least you have the referal although it seems the GP has been mistaken here as also as 4% morphology is fine as per the WHO guidelines.

I would think the irregular cycles may well ne the issue here and maybe clomid is the answer, but you have hat refferal and your FS will know more and will probably want to check you both out again and make sure everythigns ok.

My first GP did not even know about 21 day progesterone blood tests and I was sent to the FS before having had this done, the FS was not impressed and wrote to my GP and complained. it just goes to show how little they know, its not their area,.

Thank goodenss you have that refferal thats the main thing.

Good luck x
Thanks for commiserating Phoenixrose! I don't get how she is saying I'm normal either. My fiancee made a comment about how we'd like to try clomid since we both have slight issues and she said that I have no issues whatsoever that showed up on the u/s or bloodtests so there would be no reason to do that.

For her to also say it wasnt a confirmed miscarriage even though I bled for 20 days and passed what looked like a fetus sickened us. So what, if I didn't miscarry like she said was possible, the 20 day bleed was normal? So confused.

P.S How is the clomid cycle going for you?

The clomid cycle is going well. I'm only 4 days into the 2ww so that part is torture. This month was quite different then last month. Last month we were able to try naturally but this month the clomid dried my CM so much that I had to get an IUI. I get my 2nd shot of hcg today (2nd one is to trick the body into thinking you're pg so the corpus luteum stays strong). So I'm going to test it out for the next 10 days to watch it fade, and then hopefully get dark again.
i have to agree with blueeyed girl. if it was me.... I would be writing to the practice manager, as well as the primary care trust. I think that doctor is a disgrace!

Please please please do not let her get away with this.

Good luck.x
I too would make a complaint. That's awful. I am making a complaint about a doctor at the fertility clinic who told me I didn't have PCOS as I wasn't fat and to come back when we had been trying for 3 years before they would help us. I insisted on seeing the consultant who said I do have PCOS and he is doing a lap and starting me on Clomid. Some doctors just don't have a clue. Also, try ringing us your FS and seeing if there is a cancellation or earlier appointment. I have done this twice and was seen really quickly. Good luck, I am sorry you are having to deal with their stupidity.

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