Would anyone like a tarot card reading? [closed for now]


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
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**Closed for now** Please note that it will take me a few days to get to you. I aim to do 2-3 readings a day.

Consider it entertainment and a bit of fun as I need the practice. :thumbup:

Told myself I wouldn't get back into my cards, but they have been on my mind so I dug them out today.

It's been a long time since I've done a reading and I usually do them in person so this will be a bit new to me.

I would prefer not to do TTC or conception readings, purely as I need to practice and I know that it can be quite an emotional time for people.

But if anyone has a question, a decision to make, are facing a problem or obstacle, have relationship issues, would like a general reading, etc and wouldn't mind me practising then that would be great.

Also I'm happy to do dream interpretation and feel I'm quite experienced with that, so if anyone wants to share a dream with me then feel free.

Feedback is greatly appreciated, let me know what you think.

Currently Waiting:

  1. hope4bump
  2. missyfemale25
  3. griffinh
  4. irmastar
  5. GemBaxter
  6. shazney22
  7. boofangie
  8. Desperado167
Sorry it took so long to type up, hope it's ok for you and you can relate to it. :)

I would love a general reading! :thumbup:

Ok. I did a Celtic Cross Spread for you. I don't have much experience with this type of spread so thought it would be a good place for me to start. I often prefer the smaller spreads. The Celtic Cross is a 10 card spread.

1st Card: This represents you, who you are and your immediate concerns.

Ace of Wands Reversed

Reversed it symbolises the start of a new journey or endeavour but that it hasn't yet manifested and that there are delays and/or a feeling of being weighed down. You're impatient to go but nothing is happening. You are very much in planning stages right now of something, eager to get started but there are delays that you cannot change. You are likely to feel very impatient at this time, particularly if you are highly action-oriented and you have just started to gain momentum in your activities. This lack of something happening or a lack of direction may be sapping your energy levels and leaving you feeling incredibly unmotivated and uninspired and frustrated.

2nd Card: This represents obstacles in your way.

Two of Wands

Your obstacle is fear of unknown. You may also be afraid to step out into the unknown, despite any positive outcomes, instead preferring to stay with what is familiar to you. It's time to bring your attention back to your original goal and understand the benefits of taking a risk and taking a leap.

This can also indicate that you have overlooked some important details related to your plan for the future. You may have been moving full steam ahead but have recently hit a roadblock. You may also be over-confident about your success, overlooking the things that matter most. Or, you may be losing your passion associated with your goal and are becoming easily bored and demotivated. It is essential that you re-ignite that passion, or start again with something you feel more inspired about. Remember your goals and why you are on the path you're on.

3rd Card: Represents current influences

Three of Pentacles Reversed

This usually come up in relation to a problem with work, or something that you feel is like hard work. This is the time to explore new options. If you are dissatisfied with your current employment, you may find yourself feeling bored and frustrated. You may feel as though you are not getting the recognition that you deserve.

The card is saying that it knows you feel low, or tired or dissatisfied but it's time to put new energy forward and focus your attention. If you’re not careful, you can miss a great opportunity. You may be experiencing a fear of the future and are avoiding taking the necessary risks to further your development and growth. You may be overly seeking approval from others. You may need to redirect your energy towards building your own self confidence and competence.

4th Card: This represents your past, your foundations.

The Wheel of Fortune

This is a lovely card :) Basically it means that you have a solid foundation behind you and that you have crossed your T's and dotted your I's. You have done what you needed to do in order to get where you are today. However, what is to come is now up to destiny. The Wheel has turned and you are beginning a new positive cycle. When the dust finally settles, you may find yourself in entirely new circumstances. This card is generally taken as a very positive card in a reading and symbolises the start of good fortune and good luck coming your way.

5th card: Recent history. What has just passed.

Strength reversed.

Not necessarily a lack of strength, but a feeling that you have been strong for too long and that you retreated into your comfort zone. It shows a need to be more independent and less reliant on others around you. It could have been that someone or something was pushing you around and you were feeling pretty powerless and just unable to 'fix' what was wrong. Take back control, free your courage and inner strength and to stop listening to whatever was holding you back.

6th Card: What is right before you, in the very near future.

10 of wands

You are struggling with a problem or burden, seek help in your journey. Do not be afraid to ask someone to share the load. You feel very weary, as if the whole world is on your shoulders and you may even be carrying worries around that belong to other people. You may have a feeling like you can't relax but it's ok to take time out. To stop and rest of awhile before continuing. The more you take on the more your path will be blocked and the further away your goals will seem.

7th Card: Your attitude, current state of mind

Tower reversed

You are resisting change or not wanting to change old habits.You may be confused about who you are and where you are going and fighting the current. You are resisting what your inner self knows already, once you alter your fixed beliefs and limitations you will have a new found sense of freedom. while you consciously want change and transformation, you seem to be afraid of these two things. You may feel that change and transformation may bring with it destruction and pain, and thus you are resisting this. You may be aware that in order to create the big change you are seeking, you need to go through a period of significant discomfort but you seem to be afraid of this discomfort. Now is the time to think big and to not be afraid of taking big leaps ahead of you. It will be worth it!

8th Card: Friends and family

The Moon

For family and friends, the Moon card indicates someone in a relationship who is not thinking clearly and is seeing things through rose-tinted spectacles, not accepting the truth that is clearly seen by everyone else. Such a person is perhaps deceiving themselves at this time. It shows illusions. There are a lot of highly charged emotions around, so pay attention to what your inner self is telling you. Listen to your hunches, gut feelings, intuition and dreams to steer you right.

9th Card: Your goals.

The Chariot

Victory is assured! Your path may not have been an easy one, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Whatever task you have at hand can be accomplished. You have all the tools necessary to triumph over any obstacles that stand in your way. The successes you achieve are based on your ability to harness your instinctive drives. The more effort you put out, the more successful you will become. However, you must be patient! Know that if you wait, things will materialise in your favor. If you lack clarity, progress may be slowed.

10th Card: What will be

Seven of Wands

This is a card of courage and determination. It shows that you are willing to fight for what you want, and what you believe in. Previously you may have shied away from conflict or just given up but now you are determined to succeed. Know that you will succeed but only after you have fought for what you want. You may feel outnumbered or that you have little chance of success but your determination will win out. You are discovering arts of yourself and inner resources that you didn't even know you had. You find strength from places you didn't know of. You will achieve success.
Thank you thank you! My head is spinning right now and I plan to read this fully tomorrow but at a quick glance it hit the nail right on the head for many things! Thanks so much! :thumbup:
oh i would love a general reading please good luck on your practising xx
Hello would like one to regarding continueing to TTC. 3 MC and age might be a factor in ending this quest!! I just want to know if 1 more baby is in the cards for me. Thank you....
Hi hun can i have a general reading please :flower:

I would love to know if my baby is gonna be healthy? Or maybe a pregnancy reading?? Thanks

P.S. This is so sweet of you...thanks for sharing your gift

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