If you are still producing milk you definately can. Even if you weren't, it is still possible. Your baby will stimulate milk better than any pump will. I would lay in bed with her the next few days, with your laptop and some movies, and just let her latch on and keep her there as much as possible. You can supplement with the formula but do it after nursing and give her small amounts (maybe 1-2 ounces) so she isn't too full to nurse again. I would put her to hr breast every 2 hours, if she is awake put her on, if she falls asleep leave her there, the comfort sucking will stimulate production also. Lots of skin to skin and engaging with her. That bonding will help.
Keep an eye on her so she doesn't wear out, but she will be fine. My LO was nursing every 2 hours for 40 minutes at a time at 3 weeks. I would barely have time to shower by the time he was ready again sometimes. I think I had slow milk production in the
beginning though! I hope it workout for you. Talk to a consult or LLL if you are having latch issues. Good luck!