Hey guys, I'm new to this forum, and I've looked at loads of websites but none are very helpful! Basically my situation is I was on the pill (microgynon) for about 6 months. Recently I had my 7 day break then started my next pack of pills. 11 days into the packet my boyfriend and I decided to start trying for a baby so I stopped the pill, a couple of days later had a period for a few days as I do on my 7 day break, then we started having lots of sex, especially between 6th and 10th of may, which I worked out if i counted the day I came on my period after stopping the pill as day 1, then day 14 would have been 9th may. But I don't know if it was a period or just a "withdrawal bleed". It's all very complicated and I've not had a baby before. I've been looking online and some websites say basically never ever have unprotected sex or you will become pregnant, whilst others explain how difficult it is to get pregnant! I've decided to do a test on 24th but until then, I thought I'd just get some opinions on what my chances of being pregnant are? I'd really appreciate any comments, thanks xx