I doubt the birthday song is under copyright anymore and phrases can't be copyrighted. Lol
We used to be big downloaders of music and I mean really really big, like hundreds of gb. We do it only occasionally now and will pay to download some stuff. We have only stopped because the risks of prosecution have grown. I did once have a big discussion with a friend of my brother's who works for a record company. Inevitably he was very anti-music piracy. It's true that artists don't usually see much of the profits and the most money is now made through live gigs and merchandise. It would be nice to see a whole movement away to downloading for free, or perhaps a small subscription to the label, in order to improve access to and interest in bands then do the gig thing to make money. It must be possible for this to work or there wouldn't be artists supporting the move.
We don't download films really. We do download anime but it is mostly fan subbed and not otherwise available in English. FIL is always palming off the worst film copies on us and I just don't see the point when the quality is so bad. DH works in a library so we often borrow mainstream stuff and buy it later if we think it's worth it. We buy outright more indie stuff. We rather like DVDs, special features, box sets, docus etc. I do resent film DVDs that come with nothing extra though!
The songs copyright doesnt expire in US untill 2030 and europe 2016, The phrase is still copyrighted as it wasnt used untill the song came about so the two where copyrighted seperatly by The Time-Warner Corporation.
There was a organisation set up about 20 years ago to inforce the paying of royalties from tv and film if the song is used in the tv show or film.
The phrase isnt inforced as much but does still bring in royalties.
So I hope none of you are breaking the law by not paying to sing it