hey i havent been online for a few months now, getting over a miscarriage in late may which resulted in me having a d&c. after TTC again straight away (dh and i have been TTC for over 12 months now even longer...) i had an ultrasound which showed i was about to ovulate so dh and i
all week lol unfortunately, nothing came of that and i'd had no bleeding what so ever for the past three months! I've been doing my research and went to the health food shop, and became inspired.
my goals for the next few months are as follows: lose 20 kilos (its a long shot but ive already lost 7 kilos by just eating healthy and excercising, in like a week and a half,,, crazy i know lol)
get healthy; so i eat mainly fresh food now (no meat atm except for seafood)
multi vitamin
folic acid supplements.
Vitex (which the lady at the health food shop suggested to bring on bleeding/to fix my monthly cycle...-its a bit more detailed than that but if you wanted to find out more about it you can spend hours googling it lol)
and im now doing yoga, and anything i can to lower my stress levels.
basically ive been on this regime for about 2 weeks and cannot remmeber the last time i felt so good
another thing im taking, which you could ask your doctor about, is 100mg of aspirin a day (it used to be called baby aspirin) and basically what it does, is helps the uterus form a nice comfy layer for the egg/sperm to implant in..and it been scientifically studied...) jsut something else to read up on..
just letting you know im here if you need to chat, and im terribly sorry for your losses.
we'll probably TTC again in Nov/Dec...