My son weaned a few months ago at 17 months and my cycles still haven't regulated. Im taking b6 and chasteberru ATM to help. I've been at an 11 day LP for the last 2 cycles and am hoping to get it to at least 13 days before trying in April. BF'ing definitely throws you off on your cycle! When are you hoping to have DD weaned/start trying?
He self weaned. It took about 6 weeks to be fully done. He was nursing 3-4 times in the day and 3-5 times at night. He night weaned first. DH would put him to bed without nursing. The first time he woke up, I would feed and then for 6-7 hours DH would go in and comfort if he woke but no nursing. Those first few nights were ROUGH but pretty quick he figured it out and stopped waking up. I Dont remember exactly, but I think it was 10ish days and he was fully night weaned. From there, I cut out the first feeding after waking. He would wake up very hungry so I just tried to quickly make breakfast. He naturally went down to one nap during this time, so that feeding fell away no problem. It took about a month to drop the last feeding, before nap. I just tried one day to skip and it was fine, but the next day he was wanting to nurse. So we went to every other day for a couple weeks. Then same thing- we skipped 2 days and he wanted to nurse...then 3 days and the next time I offered he refused and that was that.
I found it best to go very slow and guide the process but not push beyond what he was ready for
I hope you are able to get her weaned when you are ready to!
You got iy Momma! To already havr short sessions cit after a few days is a great start! It's all about going at a gradual pace, giving time for both of you to adjust. Not sure about nighttime. We had to do a modified CIO for the first a couple nights during that 6 hour stretch. Once DS is down for a nap this afternoon, I'll get on the laptop and see if I can find the link of what we tried to follow. It was a guide for older kids who were BF'ing and co sleeping and meant to not be so traumatic for them.
Chasteberry/vitex/agnus cactus I've learned is all the same thing lol. Honestly, it hasn't done anything for me yet. My last AF I was right at 6 weeks on it and it's supposed to take 6-8 weeks...but I had an anvolatory cycle last month. So if there isn't an improvement this cycle, I'm going to stop taking it and see if it sorts itself out.
What does maca root do?
Let me know if it works for you!
I think the biggest thing is consistency...however you decide to do it, commit and stick with it. And go slow...Dont cut a feeding out you arent comfortable with. You can do it!