WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

YAAAAAY ALMOST!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so excited to hear how all of this goes!! Really really hoping you get a sticky bean first shot! Which I bet your odds of that are great since you are both young and healthy. Eeeeeeek!!

Sunshine...so sorry about the BFN! Has AF showed yet? Really late isn't she?
Thanks ladies I hope you are all feeling well! I am super crampy and bloated so happy to unbutton my pants after work! Lol. I wonder if I will be able to sleep or not tomorrow is such a big day....excited to get the hardest part over with...a bit nervous to be put under but I will do anything for my future baby!
Hello lovely ladies!!!!

Miss malteaser if your ticker is right your a day overdue. Eeek, soooo exciting! And I think your mil is being unreasonable and your totally in the right! So don't feel bad!
What car seat did you settle for in the end?
I've no idea on groups etc, but we got the forward facing car seat until the 9 months or the babies weight increases to the correct size and then the backwards car seat- if that makes sense?

Maz your next after miss malteaser!!

Sunshine I was so excited, I really thought this was it! Hope Af shows up if your not pregnant before husband has to go back, keep positive!

Any news Elz?

Or Baby bump hope and her twins?

Sonia, 23 weeks, how quick is that! Is it going quick for you? Have you decided on maternity leave for work yet?

Presh I didn't know you had an anterior placenta? It didn't stop you from feeling kicks though which is great!

Almost, got the gist of what going on, about yo catch up on your journal in a min. I'm sooooo excited for you, can't wait to read that BFP!!

Emz and miss Broody hope your babies are well.

I'm all good. I was feeling a bit anxious about movement, i could only say I defo felt baby last week but by yesterday I wax beginning to doubt it even happened!
So last night, before I work, I laid down on the floor and waited..., and I felt her move :)
Lots and lots and Shaun felt her too!!! So amazing even if it is my third.
I went to work with a smile!
I'm not going on maternity leave until January 20th! So two weeks before due date! But I've got holiday to use up, so I'm going to be working one or two nights/days a week from mid December... I'm starting my NVQ on Monday, which I want to complete before I have a baby- which I why I'm waiting to long.

Hope I've not missed anyone out? Xxxx
Good morning!

No af yet but still crampy! I would think she is going to arrive any minute! Oh arrives home today and really can't wait to see him its been a long two weeks! I really need to regulate my cycles- I've been reading about lunaception - has anyone heard of it! Seems hard to believe but hey I'll try it! I'm going to chart for first time this month ordered opks and a proper bbt. At least I can reassure myself I'm ovulating then!

Almost I'm so excited for you - hope everything goes well wishing you loads of luck for bfp this first round.

Thanks everyone for replies and support this month it means so much. :hugs:

Hello lovely ladies!!!!

Miss malteaser if your ticker is right your a day overdue. Eeek, soooo exciting! And I think your mil is being unreasonable and your totally in the right! So don't feel bad!
What car seat did you settle for in the end?
I've no idea on groups etc, but we got the forward facing car seat until the 9 months or the babies weight increases to the correct size and then the backwards car seat- if that makes sense?

Maz your next after miss malteaser!!

Sunshine I was so excited, I really thought this was it! Hope Af shows up if your not pregnant before husband has to go back, keep positive!

Any news Elz?

Or Baby bump hope and her twins?

Sonia, 23 weeks, how quick is that! Is it going quick for you? Have you decided on maternity leave for work yet?

Presh I didn't know you had an anterior placenta? It didn't stop you from feeling kicks though which is great!

Almost, got the gist of what going on, about yo catch up on your journal in a min. I'm sooooo excited for you, can't wait to read that BFP!!

Emz and miss Broody hope your babies are well.

I'm all good. I was feeling a bit anxious about movement, i could only say I defo felt baby last week but by yesterday I wax beginning to doubt it even happened!
So last night, before I work, I laid down on the floor and waited..., and I felt her move :)
Lots and lots and Shaun felt her too!!! So amazing even if it is my third.
I went to work with a smile!
I'm not going on maternity leave until January 20th! So two weeks before due date! But I've got holiday to use up, so I'm going to be working one or two nights/days a week from mid December... I'm starting my NVQ on Monday, which I want to complete before I have a baby- which I why I'm waiting to long.

Hope I've not missed anyone out? Xxxx

I've just finished my Nvq Jem! What one are you doing? I did Nvq 3 health care. If you need any advice / help let me know xxx
Hi Jem - yes it is flying by! Cannot believe I only have 17 weeks left!
Maternity leave wise, I finish work on dec 13 with annual leave until dec 24 we then shut,
paid for two weeks :) so my mat leave doesn't officially start until jan 2, due date. I'm playing on going back to work after 4 months but from home, but all still pie in the sky so will see.

Sounds like a very nice plan sonia! if this round works, I would have to leave work a few weeks early but I will get 6 months paid time off...however, not sure how it works with teaching when I will have off in the summer-I think I would just have the summer off and hope right back to work even though I probably won't want to!

Up early today, can't sleep-very crampy and my sides are pinchy-slept on my back too much, because afraid to sleep on my sides too long with these inflated ovaries! I leave my house for my egg retrieval in 25 minutes, ahhh!!!
Hi everyone, seems like ages since I last posted on here!

I've caught up with all the posts, but sorry if I miss anyone out in my reply...

Almost, wow how exciting is this?! To think that you will know in a couple of weeks whether you are pregnant - IVF has all moved so fast for you. I hope it's successful first time just like it was for my friend. Her little boy is 3 weeks old now and such a handsome little devil!

Jem you asked about Babybumphope. She never posts in here anymore, but I found a thread that she does go on, and she had her twins at the end of August, I think it was the 25th or something like that, she was around 34 weeks. They had her go in a little earlier than planned as they were a little worried that the girl wasn't growing enough. As far as I know both the little boy and girl are doing well, although I haven't looked at the thread recently to know for sure though.

Glad you've started to feel movement - I bet it doesn't matter how many babies down the line you are, it's always just as exciting and scary and wonderful as the first pregnancy!

Sunshine - sorry if AF does turn up for you, your symptoms had seemed really promising this month. She's not here yet though so don't give up hope completely! Fingers crossed that if she is going to come she makes her appearance soon though, so you and your fella can get cracking while he's home! Def a good idea to have a go with the OPK's and temping - I was ovulating much later than what you would in a 'normal' cycle, around day 21 or 22, and I wouldn't have known this if it hadn't been for tracking. I could've missed it and not be where I am now.

My last day at work tomorrow, yay!!! So ready to finish now. Will be 37 weeks on Monday, so I'm hoping that he stays put for at least another week after that so I can have a bit of chill out time! Miss M, I do have a feeling that he'll be here before due date, as does my DH, but everyone else has said they think he'll be just about on time. I can imagine it does really drag from 37 weeks onwards though if you convince yourself they'll be here soon, so I always try to look at the worst case scenario and say that he will be here in 5 weeks at the most! Can't believe you are now past your due date, how quickly are these pregnancies going? I know a lot of people think that it drags, but I honestly think that it has completely flown since I found out in January. It's gonna be Christmas again before we know it! At least you know you are on the final stretch, and Emma will be here in less than 2 weeks. Good luck and can't wait to see her!

Presh, Sonia and Jem, your pregnancies are also going really quickly, won't be long until you have your little babies in your arms too!

Thought I'd post some pictures of my nursery seeing as it's almost done. Just need to put the blind up in the window, which is a bright blue and contrasts really well with the purple curtains. The lighting in the photos isn't great as I always seem to take pictures at night and never in daylight!!

The photoframes will have scan photos in the purple one, bump photos in green one (should get these back next week!) and newborn photos in the white one.

The large monkey in the cot has been moved now as well, it's sitting on the dresser under the shelf as I thought it looked too bare!

https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1098YO,OdrKz0YFTM6d5tZ2NhHZvxBgFcI6T05cU6G4gFWOprn2j9Lv8J7O1Sr_pBEN,a6Nz4XfM-/image.jpg https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1caKq7Zy0fteM,Cz2KOyZvFN9Yp1mvirtxnJXGcMmO7MjKnxPj2aFgQgwoSGx5dU1pWFijmD7oAA-/image.jpg
https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/18r2KokQ,9aHFjCC5QGLsFQRZ5Q8MaDkVhrFKHXBovvFQbTsDM7sslk2U7CSZUeW67drtmygdVOQ-/image.jpg https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1XA5ok8qHDwGIKIcoyow5iJLSBUFA6UDVP2jjKGMVxaGvLvFIyI9nqtSkS4T3CT13x9fgT97VH,s-/image.jpg
https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1zPyWqFfsK2CbFeief_cbgWSp6bItX44gKKkO6j5e3OYZoLi168vXJg0_CdK5G1xh6ChdkJLEwds-/image.jpg https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1SgWPGI_rsm17SZEF7KhicFhGsZC8Hv,Xm0jqKqrB08IQBy,WbFDDjRR4dM9NSvs1hEuYVUDDR_U-/image.jpg
https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1veFd4fz2W7VMMVbXjj3YOiUwZRaiQWVMBvk,9_vfNXGuBBgp84Tj29Q_yhanQnPj8xqiSxeWJzQ-/image.jpg https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1pYLSJ1R,mXLQaIERlGJGfoWzKq6hg2LIFSz6xwK2hg2vrqIZLhJSh4omaXSjACTtgx7JYKurNKE-/image.jpg
Seriously cute, Maz! Nice work!! You went all-out! Nursery decorating is so fun, though! I will be starting my little girl's next month :)
Hey ladies! Wow it seems like ages since I last posted here! Time has absolutely flown!! I've caught up with all the posts and can't believe how fast your pregnancies are going, and Almost- I can't believe that you'll hopefully have your BFP within the next few weeks!!
Sunshine-don't give up hope! You're not out until AF shows!

As for me, I'm in my TWW in cycle 13 (AF due 26th) and it's now been over a year since we first started TTC! I think I'll give us until the end of the year and if nothing has happened by then, I will go and see my doctor. In the mean time, I'm trying to lose a few pounds and get myself fitter in preparation for future baby!

I hope you're all doing well xxx
welcome back elz and GL with this cycle-i hope you will not have to see your doctor!!! And it sounds like we both started ttc in sept-my possible egg transfer will be on mine and dh's 1 year of ttc so I hope it is a lucky day for us!!!

Maz-LOVE the nursery, and so exciting to start decorating yours soon presh!
oh yea, ER went fantastic and we got 10 eggies!!! Hoping to get a good fertilization report tomorrow....grow all 10 embryos grow!!!
Yay, Almost!!!! 10 Eggies!!! Grooooow eggies, grooooooooooowwwwwwwwww!
hehe maybe I should do a dance to ensure my eggs grow..instead of like...a rain dance...hahahaa....I shall before bedtime tonight...dh is so lucky too..no work for him as he works sunday through monday, but I am back to work tomorrow....can't wait for the weekend!!!
Hey ladies! Wow it seems like ages since I last posted here! Time has absolutely flown!! I've caught up with all the posts and can't believe how fast your pregnancies are going, and Almost- I can't believe that you'll hopefully have your BFP within the next few weeks!!
Sunshine-don't give up hope! You're not out until AF shows!

As for me, I'm in my TWW in cycle 13 (AF due 26th) and it's now been over a year since we first started TTC! I think I'll give us until the end of the year and if nothing has happened by then, I will go and see my doctor. In the mean time, I'm trying to lose a few pounds and get myself fitter in preparation for future baby!

I hope you're all doing well xxx

Thank you Elz :hugs: I'm still waiting for af but you know the feeling when she's lurking don't you :( oh well I'm staying positive oh home now for about 18 days before he goes bk offshore for 2.5 weeks so she needs to arrive pronto and I need a nice early ov for a change - I've had two long cycles on the bounce a nice 28 even 30 dayer with a normal 14 day ov would be just fab lol!!!! Who knows this may be the month because I feel not many days to get to try and they say bfps come when you feel no chance ! I'm going to start charting this month I need some reassurance I'm ovulating. As you said off to docs in new year for me if no bfp by then. We been trying 9 months in total but 2 of those we couldn't do really ttc cycle 6/7 for us long enough for me feels like years tooo much of an emotional
Roller coaster for me!!!!

Good luck with your tww my lovely I hope this is your bfp month :) lots and lots of sparkly babydust xxxx
oh yea, ER went fantastic and we got 10 eggies!!! Hoping to get a good fertilization report tomorrow....grow all 10 embryos grow!!!

Yeyyy!!! Ten that's brilliant wishing you loads of luck my lovely xxx
Thought I'd post some pictures of my nursery seeing as it's almost done. Just need to put the blind up in the window, which is a bright blue and contrasts really well with the purple curtains. The lighting in the photos isn't great as I always seem to take pictures at night and never in daylight!!

The photoframes will have scan photos in the purple one, bump photos in green one (should get these back next week!) and newborn photos in the white one.

The large monkey in the cot has been moved now as well, it's sitting on the dresser under the shelf as I thought it looked too bare!

https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1098YO,OdrKz0YFTM6d5tZ2NhHZvxBgFcI6T05cU6G4gFWOprn2j9Lv8J7O1Sr_pBEN,a6Nz4XfM-/image.jpg https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1caKq7Zy0fteM,Cz2KOyZvFN9Yp1mvirtxnJXGcMmO7MjKnxPj2aFgQgwoSGx5dU1pWFijmD7oAA-/image.jpg
https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/18r2KokQ,9aHFjCC5QGLsFQRZ5Q8MaDkVhrFKHXBovvFQbTsDM7sslk2U7CSZUeW67drtmygdVOQ-/image.jpg https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1XA5ok8qHDwGIKIcoyow5iJLSBUFA6UDVP2jjKGMVxaGvLvFIyI9nqtSkS4T3CT13x9fgT97VH,s-/image.jpg
https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1zPyWqFfsK2CbFeief_cbgWSp6bItX44gKKkO6j5e3OYZoLi168vXJg0_CdK5G1xh6ChdkJLEwds-/image.jpg https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1SgWPGI_rsm17SZEF7KhicFhGsZC8Hv,Xm0jqKqrB08IQBy,WbFDDjRR4dM9NSvs1hEuYVUDDR_U-/image.jpg
https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1veFd4fz2W7VMMVbXjj3YOiUwZRaiQWVMBvk,9_vfNXGuBBgp84Tj29Q_yhanQnPj8xqiSxeWJzQ-/image.jpg https://images2.pnimedia.com/GetImage.aspx/1pYLSJ1R,mXLQaIERlGJGfoWzKq6hg2LIFSz6xwK2hg2vrqIZLhJSh4omaXSjACTtgx7JYKurNKE-/image.jpg

Love it!!!! That's a cute nursery! Well done xxxxx

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