Well I'm on CD33 now (and nearly 34!) and still no sign of AF!
Had a bit of a read up on internet and found that although rare it can be possible to not test positive until 2 or 3 weeks after your period was due. Some people don't get high enough levels of hcg in the first weeks of pregnancy, so tests won't work until a little later on. I don't actually believe this is the case for me, but at least it offers a glimmer of hope! 99% certain I'm not, but don't want to give up on that 1%........
I suppose the other option is that I'm not actually late, but ovulated later than I thought, and I'm not yet 14dpo and due on. I know I won't be pregnant if this is the case though, as hubby went away the week after original suspected ov date, so obviously no BD that week!!
Will hold off testing again til Saturday morning, if still no AF. That will be CD 37, and if bfn and still not come on by Monday, may book an appointment with Dr's for the Weds(cd40) to have some bloodwork etc and see what they think is happening. It could be that I haven't ovulated at all and may need provera or whatever its called to kickstart AF. Hope this isn't the case!!
Not long now for a few of you to start testing, hope you all get positives! Sonia and almosthere, it's sounding very promising for you both, let's hope it's IB and you get your bfp's. I'm jealous that you are all well into cycle 2 and I'm stuck in limbo! Will be so happy if we get some good news on here though!