I'm really confused by my fertility friend chart. I'm now on cd17, had positive opk cycle day 15 and 16, temps have been rising since, and bad pains yesterday. Put this mornings temp in and chart has changed and predicts I ovulated on cd14???? But my opk was negative on cd14.
I'd be pleased if I did as last month I didn't get positive opk until cd16 so have taken a day off last months but not sure I believe it. Unless I did ovulate on 14 but the rise was in the night and only picked up on cd15 opk.
I can't link my chart as using my phone.
Either way I'm not testing this month as we've hardly bd'd as other stuff going on. We did bd cd11 so if was cd14 guess in with a long shot, but if cd15/16 I'm out x