Sonia and Almost, you're not out until the witch arrives, so keep on thinking positive!! And Sonia, I also had the very wet feeling with back and tummy ache before I got my bfp, and I carried on having it afterwards too. It really did feel like I was about to come on, and obviously I never! Symptom spotting is so difficult though, as they are just too similar either way. Why can't something obvious happen like our wee turns blue or something!!
I had my early scan today and it was ace! I was so nervous before having this, worrying about mmc or ectopics, but pumpkin was where it should be and measuring right on track. It's 2.3 cm at the minute, with a good strong heartbeat. Saw it's little arm and leg buds wriggling, it looked like a little gummy bear!
Where has Miss Broody disappeared too, I want to know if she's pink or blue?!! Don't leave us hanging MissB.....