Hey Mothers and Fathers of the world,
You are obviously loving and non judgemental people, otherwise you wouldn't have ever considered having children.
You would never like to think that your children when they grow up will get bullied, hated, picked on for where they come from or for doing what they want to do. I have read some of the websites and even on here people saying that they hate John and Edward.
Hate is a very strong word people, it breeds something that is not good in people. Just because they are having fun or maybe taking the piss out of a very serious competition (get real life is more exciting than x-factor), doesn't call for some of the seriously terrible attacks that are directed to these two boys.
They are only 18 they are still young and no matter what people think of them should not be subjected to the kind of hate or verbal abuse that is taking place in forums like facebook or even here.
If you are seriously caring parents then you should not even be involved in this kind of thing. Life is too short to be hating people so much.
I know I am right when I say this, because the truth is always right.
Hate and prejudice is wrong.
Anyway peace and love