I know i dont post in here very much anymore but its because its hard month after month you know..but if we didnt get it this month my oh and i will be finally going back to the fertility specialist..he finally agreed its time..lol
im going to be 42 in a few months and if by chance i have some of my own eggs left i would like to be using them....
so yippee on finally being able to do this...i know it will be draining financially but this is something we both have our hearts set on and all i can say is yippeee..
i forgot to add we been trying for 3 yrs now so its about time too
good luck everyone
im going to be 42 in a few months and if by chance i have some of my own eggs left i would like to be using them....
so yippee on finally being able to do this...i know it will be draining financially but this is something we both have our hearts set on and all i can say is yippeee..
i forgot to add we been trying for 3 yrs now so its about time too
good luck everyone