Pic from yesterday at 36wks.
I had my latest baby appt the day before and unfortunately Baby Birdie is hanging out breech. My hospital won't deliver breech babies vaginally, so if she hasn't turned by next week we'll try an external version a day or so later and if that doesn't work I'll be getting put on the schedule for a C-section at 39wks...
I was extremely happy to hear they'll give me every opportunity up until the day of the surgery to avoid the section. Midwife said I'm the perfect candidate if nothing changes to even try one last final version to flip her on the OR table after I'm all numbed up and prepped for the section before they cut. If it's successful they'd cancel the case and just transfer me to an L&D room and induce me.
FX'd the ice-packs/warm-packs, music, spinning babies positions and/or version work and I get this baby to flip!