Firsttimer, I know how down the stretchies can get you - believe it or not I did get some on my hips (there's a thread I started about it kicking about somewhere) but the bio oil I use has really helped in turning them silver already so you can't see them in my pics... - so there's the proof that they do fade with time and one day you'll barely notice them! Well,
you might, but only because they're on your body - everyone else will be oblivious and wonder what you're going on about! lol
We all know that baby is worth is, and I don't know if it will help you, but I really like thinking of them as my "mummy badges" - someone else came up with that one on my stretchmark thread and I thought it was really cool.
Chin up, chuck - you've got this far and you're very close to seeing just what all this has been for!
Jenny, I use mine more as a cup-rest than a food tray - it makes baby kick like crazy when I put my tea down there - I think it's very sensitive to the heat lol I think we'll wait about 2 years before trying for our next one - I think 3 years is a nice age gap for kids

- Big enough that our next baby will have a big big brother or sister to look out for them, but not so long that our first baby will be missing out on sharing christmas and stuffs with a sibling... Heck, I've not even finished on this one yet and I just realised I can't wait for the next! lol