(Husband here again - Rico)
A message from Steff (mom2be5): Thanks for all the support shown in here. All your bumps (or bumps to come) look so amazing. She says she will certainly miss having hers!
Now from me!: Baby Gonzalez number 5 has yet to make an appearance, so Steff has been told to have complete bed rest at home- only to get up to go to the bathroom!!. They wanted her to stay in hospital, but she feels more comfortable at home and since we only live 10 minutes away then they were happy for us to leave.
Her waters had to be broken last night in hospital, as she was having really painful contractions on and off, but her waters weren't breaking. (sounds painful from a guys point of view and I don't really want to know!.). She's been told that if the contractions get any more stronger and come more frequently (every 10 to 15 mins), then we've to go back in. She has only dilated 3-4 cm within 24 hours so it's going to be a while yet. She feels very tired, sore, tight and very, very big as the baby is around 8lbs in weight. The bump also feels very hard, as its all baby in there.
The attachment is of the bump as of last night..... Sorry there's no time to put it in here as a link as we're kinda busy playing the waiting game just now!!!.
Its either going to be Christianne Rose Gonzalez or Carlo Stefan Gonzalez.