Your major events of 2008 - good and bad

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JANUARY: my boyfriend and I made it official after months... just before midnight on New Year's Eve.

FEBRUARY: my grandfather, who has dementia, started respite care.

APRIL: got my fake ID lol and enjoyed myself a lot over the next couple of months, best times of my life I think.. :devil:

JUNE: took a leave of absence from my regular job to work at my seasonal job, park supervisor sort of deal, for the summer while kids are out.

JULY: found out I was pregnant & my boyfriend turned 20. Quit smoking!

AUGUST: told my parents I was pregnant... also the one year anniversary of my sister's OD, she's back to her old tricks again though, I just don't know what it's going to take to make her get it. :(

SEPTEMBER: started accounting at school.

OCTOBER: turned 19 on Halloween and went to Niagara Falls with my boyfriend, my first time going to the casino (I hated it), and got a promise ring..

...also, the one year anniversary passed of my friend Amanda's death. She was 19, and her death was related to diabetes. :sadangel:

NOVEMBER: my mum had a hysterectomy, and is making an excellent recovery so far :)
jan found out i was having a little boy work made me move offices an hour and half away had to buy a little run around car as mine had MAJOR problems

feb oh lost his job

march got signed off work with high bp

may my birthday, little holiday, found out ex's partner is preg

june got induced, had my baby boy, tennent gave me notice

july was my due date, tommy came out of hospital, my mom signed off work very poorly and had to spend lots of money i didnt hae putting the flat right

august lost lots of money business wise, work kept not paying me and found out the member of the family that caused so much trouble for me had finally split up with oh's bro and now people could see her for what she really didnt get any apologies though

sept maddy went to spain with my mom on hol, had a car crash and the boiler in the flat blew up more money to spend

october maddys pony became ill, more money on vets fees

nov maddys birthday ex's new baby due...anyday (feelin v jealous)!!!

dec hopefully a happy xmas some good luck will come my way and pleaaaaase let me have some money rather than scrimping and saving!!
January - Katie had her 1st urine infection

February - Cara turns 9

March - We go on holiday to Fuerteventura, our 1st foreign holiday :)

April - Gemma turns 13
Ryan passes his driving test

May - Have huge fall-out with mil & sil (we dont speak again until 6 weeks later at end June)

June - Katie has her 1st big kidney scan

July - Katie is diagnosed with kidney reflux :cry:
Ryan turns 18

September -11th My baby Katie turns 1 :cloud9:
6th I turn 36 :cry:
17th hubby turns 39 :haha:

October - 5th My big boy turns 3 :cloud9: (mil tries to ruin his party by turning up drunk and shouting her big gob off )
6th - My 18th wedding anniversary to which we spend apart :cry: as oh worked away
6th - I ring mil asking why she was a pratt the day before, we fallout and havent spoke since!!!

November - My oh loses his job :cry: (and still has none :( )
Mil walks past my kids in tescos and blanks them,its as if they never existed :cry:

What a great year eh? :dohh::rofl: and you know the worst part, its not effin over :hissy:
January - Katie had her 1st urine infection

February - Cara turns 9

March - We go on holiday to Fuerteventura, our 1st foreign holiday :)

April - Gemma turns 13
Ryan passes his driving test

May - Have huge fall-out with mil & sil (we dont speak again until 6 weeks later at end June)

June - Katie has her 1st big kidney scan

July - Katie is diagnosed with kidney reflux :cry:
Ryan turns 18

September -11th My baby Katie turns 1 :cloud9:
6th I turn 36 :cry:
17th hubby turns 39 :haha:

October - 5th My big boy turns 3 :cloud9: (mil tries to ruin his party by turning up drunk and shouting her big gob off )
6th - My 18th wedding anniversary to which we spend apart :cry: as oh worked away
6th - I ring mil asking why she was a pratt the day before, we fallout and havent spoke since!!!

November - My oh loses his job :cry: (and still has none :( )
Mil walks past my kids in tescos and blanks them,its as if they never existed :cry:

What a great year eh? :dohh::rofl: and you know the worst part, its not effin over :hissy:

That's the sad part, isn't it?

Every year I say, it's gotta be a better year. Hmm........
Jan: I started the new year with hangover! haha and I do not drink much so that alone a blue moon!

Feb: We gave last notice on house we rented.

Mar: Moved into this place, and DD had 3rd Bday! We TTC one month, not charting. Just with open idea of it happening perhaps. EDD would of been 12/19/08 if that worked.

Apr: Hubby had his birthday! he is 21 years older than I and I am 31 LOL

May: DD turned 7!

Jun: Went on vacation to Silver Springs! excellent!

Jul: Vacation to Key West AMAZING! DS turned 5

Aug: yay my bday! and last AF for nine months! DS & DD started school together how cute!

Sep: I got preggers on the 15-16th! charted on FF so totally intentional.

Oct: BFP + on October 3 &4 after three other tested that were negative WTH!

Nov: Still here! I almost lost baby on 11/20 but problem has resolved so far and looks like you are stuck with me for a bit! lolz
Jan- Started a new semester and moved out from my apartment with my roomate of 2 years/best friend, moved in with Adam

Feb- Got pregnant

March - Found out I was pregnant easter weekend at my parents house :shock:

April - Finished semester and went home for 3 weeks by myself, went back to St. John's for another week, only to end up...

May- ...leaving Adam. Dropped all my courses, called my uncle to come get me, packed up my life in about an hour and drove 8 hours back home with my parents

June- Found out my baby was a girly <3

July- Started counselling + got a visit from my aunt who I hadn't seen in 3 years

August - nothing exciting, that one kind of slipped past me.

September- got it re-confirmed that I was having a girl & had my baby shower

October - nothing exciting

November- got admitted to the hospital on the 13th for pre-eclampsia. Had my baby on the 16th, left the hospital on the 19th

My horoscope says that there are fresh beginnings coming my way - I think I need them after this year
January- found out might lose lily to the cysts on her lungs compressing her heart and causing heart failure.

Febuary- Moved into our first ever place as a couple- cutest little cottage

March- not much

April- Was induced, had my little Angel who weighed 9lb 3 lol.

August- My 22nd Birthday, my dad started to lose weight very fast and, suspected ulcer

September- OH's 23rd Birthday, Moved into my dream house.

October- My dads 47th Birthday, told he has cancer

November- My dad passes away 18th and the 27th my Daughter has got surgery to revove half of her left lung, big op i'll be in Addenbrooks with her for about a week hopefully if theres no complications.

My husband quit his dead end job and found a wonderful new place to work in February of 2008.

Found out we were expecting in June, 2008

My husband went into counselling in August, 2008 (a REALLY big and wonderful thing for him!!! And GOOD for me, too :))

October, 2008, found that we are having a little girl

All throughout the year, getting the house together as we've always talked about doing.
Omg, u have all had an eventful yr.

Jan..... Buried my FIL who sadly passed away on Christmas day:cry:
A friend of my dps baby died at 20 wks another funeral.:cry:

Feb..... Had a lovely Valentines day. dp shared a brekkie hamper with me.

Mar..... Started officially ttc. :happydance:
My 4th neice Robyn entered the world :cloud9:

Apr.....Mine and dps birthday.
I had Taylors portrait done, its is gorgeous.
Changed Mollies school, best thing i ever did.

MayGot my new cat Ally.

June..... went to Scotland for a wks jollies. :happydance:

July Taylors 1st Angelversary :cry::cry:
Found BnB:happydance::happydance:
Got my new kitten Kit.


Sept..... Had a 6 w scan, showed a lovely little Spud.

Oct..... Halloween :rofl:

Nov..... Bonfire nite. :rofl: Mollies 9th birthday.

Dec..... To be confirmed...........

V x x x
January - Pregnant and found out Grandad hasn't got long left to live
March - Grandad died :(
April - found out my best mate, Lewie had leukemia and was waiting for a bone marrow transplant
May - my brother got drunk on his birthday and pushed me over sending me in to early (slow) labour
June - the last time i spoke to Lewie :cry:, unknown to me that would be the last time :(
July - had my gorgeous baby boy and Lewie went in for his transplant
August - got my results, passed most of my exams and Lewie passed away :cry:
September - Lewie's funeral on my 17th birthday (on the 4th), Lewie's 17th birthday (on the 31st) Got back in touch with Ian :)
October - Went down to Ian's and ended up getting together again and he accepted J with open arms.
November - Mum decides she doesn't want me living at home any more so went through a load of hassle getting one but i am now moving this Friday, loosing out on Bnb until i get a p.c. :(

January - DH proposed to me while on holiday
Febuary - Turned 21!
May - Got married, had a fantastic day with most of my family visiting England for the first time. Got to see a space shuttle launch
June - Had the best 2 weeks of my life, our honeymoon in Florida.

That's it really. Everything else didn't seem all that important, apart from losing our kitty cat at the start of the year. Loving my boring sounding year, it's been fantastic =D
Here goes:

Jan: Preparing for my and OH wedding

Feb: Get married after being together 17 years :happydance:and a fab honey moon in New York

March: DS Charlie turned 4

April: Nothing much

May: Join B&B :happydance:

June: Get our :bfp:

July: M/C :cry:

Aug: I turn 37 :dohh:

Sep:Found out fab holiday booked with XL airways to Florida is worthless:hissy: cos they go another holiday on credit card to Florida (massive risk) claim still going through

Oct: Have a amazing holiday in Florida

End of Oct: Have a laparoscopy everything clear :happydance:

Nov:Hopefully start back on TTC whenever the spotting stops and :witch:arrives!!
Jan -OH made redundant

Feb - Joined local Explorer scout group as adult leader

March - oh got new job

April -scouting month! - parades, expedition hikes, practice camps........

May - longest ever wait for :witch: - 105 days :rofl:

June -oh layed off

July - oh out of work

Aug - went away on family holiday
OH got job in France

Sept - OH came home for a visit

Oct - mom in law taken ill - had to fly OH home from work
21st - mom in law died, :cry:
27th - my 26th birthday - same day as visit to funeral directors

Nov -5th - mom in law's funeral, :cry:
28th - Sister had her dog put to sleep :cry:

Dec - who knows!! hoping oh will be back for xmas

It has been a bit of a crap year, will be glad when it is over.
Mines worst year yet but o well lets go for its...

Jan- First wedding anniversary
Jan- found out i was preg 3rd time
Jan- Lost baby

March- Moved house

May- Found out i was pregnant again 4th time
May- Hubby smashed the car

June- Lost baby at 10 weeks
June- started tests into all the m/cs

July- had second lot of tests

sept- had results... have a chromosome defect, gunna be a long road to have a baby!

November- had a great 21st got very drunk.. highlight of my year
November- got my appoinetment for genetics counseller in december..

brilliant year... ha
Just relised how boring mine will be now

feb - passed my motorcycle theory test

may/june- found out I was preg

rest of it house bound and sick.
Here goes !!

Jan - found out i was pregnant (had only known my oh for 6 weeks !!):dohh: and found BnB !

Feb - had a misscarrige at 7 weeks :cry:

March - moved in with my oh

April - got another :bfp: even though i had gone on the pill !!!

May - lost my job when they found out i was pg !!

July went on my first holiday with the oh and i was fantastic !!

August - had a car accident and found out mil had breast cancer !

Sept - oct was quite quiet !! thank goodness !!

Nov - had my baby shower !

Hopefully dec will the safe arrival of baby and a very lovely first xmas with the oh !!
Jan - Went to blackpool for a long weekend break

Febuary - Sister took another overdose

March - Got my BFP
March - Joined BNB

June - Sister got off her section

September - Turned 21
September - 1 year engaged
September - Had baby shower
September - Went on mat leave

November - Grape was due - still waiting but being induced 28/11/08

December - First christmas as a mummy
hmm, this will prob be a boring one...

jan: accidentally got drunk (i dnt drink anymore but had wine for new years) and puked 4 1st time since i was 9 lol
feb 18th: mine and dan's 2nd anniversary
feb: got new car
march 2nd: faith's 1st birthday
march 3rd: went back to work
april: stayed at my dads and it snowed so faith played in snow for first time. we also bought 'scruffy' her fav teddy that she hasnt slept without for a single night since then. faith also started walking properly that weekend.
may 2nd: my 21st birthday
may 14th[/B: ]started my driving lessons
june: went to cornwall for a week
july: got another new car
august: got 2 pet rats. mum and step dad split up same day
september 9th: joined BnB!
october: cousin diagnosed with cardiomyopathy
november: decided to start ttc #2
november: neice broke her collarbone
november: started decorating faiths bedroom
november 15th: got my first ever positive opk lol

i think ive forgotten a few things as my memory is awful since pg/birth lol seriously, its practically non existent
Jan: Not much happened, OH living in Switzerland, me in the UK working short term locum jobs but getting back and forward a lot to see him. Fab weekend in St Moritz skiing and watching Polo on the snow!

Feb: Lovely locum job in the UK. Uncle died.

March: OH turned 36.

April: Boring locum job in UK. final wedding dress fitting and they'd forgotten to do the alterations!!! Hen Do - reminding me how great my friends are.

May: Got married on 3rd, had 2nd final dress fitting on the 2nd it was OK this time. best day of my life so far. Family over for 3 weeks from Oz.

June: Job hunting in Switzerland.

July: 1 month separation from my new husband to do a locum job in the UK.

August: Got parttime work in Switzerland and moved here full time.

September: Trying to conceive. Lots of visitors from UK.

October: Turned 28. Wished I was in the UK to help a close friend going thru' a bad time.

November: Still trying to conceive.

December: Got by BFP (well fingers crossed anyway!!!:rofl:)
For me:
Jan - we started trying for a baby
April - found out I was pregnant
May - found BnB
Dec - will have a baby!

In between has been one great big pregnancy rollercoaster and the rest of my life has ceased to exist!
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