Had 12 week scan today, guessing a boy based on nub theory

Kaiecee - I hope you dont mind me being nosy but I was curious on what your age is because I've seen you mentioned about it more than once in various posts.
I just turned 33 in December I just thought is be some having kids by now but not having a girl really bothers me and were going to at least try again
Kaiecee - 33 is not too bad! You still have time. I sure hope you get your girl. My husband and I are set on 4...thats the absolute last so even if I end up with 4 boys (God forbid) thats gonna be it I dont think I can handle anymore than that.
How old are u and how many kids do u have now?
I'm pregnant with my 2nd and I'm 24. I'm just trying to be done with having kids before I hit 30, but the downside to having kids at a young age is that I get talked about a lot. I mean I am not 16 and pregnant but my mom is always telling me I am too young to have kids to begin with and she told me I should stop after I have this one. She keeps nailing the same idea into my head every 2 weeks its disturbing.
ive learnt not to do what others say do what makes u happy and i was just like u i wanted all my kids done at 30 but i wasnt wth the right man i know i am now and im now trying to finish my famiy with having a girl :)

i was 20 and 26 wjen i had my first 2 kids was with my bf for 12 years till he cheated

but im happy that all happened because im with the right person now who would never hurt me like that
I know how frustrating it could be having the same gender babies. I was pregnant the same time as another lady that I knew. We werent friends or anything she was a friend of a friend and we were introduced at a party since we were due 1 week apart of each other. She had 3 girls and desperately wanted a boy and the baby she was carrying was her last so she didnt even bother to find out the gender. Our friend blurted out when we were both 5 months pregnant that I was carrying a boy. I could see that she was some what upset anyways she ended up having another girl.

What I feel is, if people are not on the same boat its hard to console one another. If I were to have all boys and someone who has one of each tried to console me, I'd probably give them a glare like "what do you know?" Do you ever feel that way? My sister in law is also pregnant and due the same time as me and if she ends up having a girl, I will be a bit jealous...I know its immature but I cant help it! Thats why I hate being pregnant the same time as when other people are...friends and family I mean because you also compare your pregnancies to theirs.
When I had Riley who is 1 now I kept in touch with my group and everyone who has gotten pregnant again have all gotten pregnant with girls I'm the only one who got pregnant with a boy again so now there is another who just found out she's pregnant if she ends up having a girl too I think I'm going to scream!
I've got a 'friend', we are not as close now, who has one of each and likes to tell me "your the only one with out a girl now" and then says "don't have any more" yeah cos that's your choice.
My ban only had 1 child and when I was having my 2nd she kept saying "if it's a girl you'll have a perfect pair and can stop" her opinion was that 1-2 children was quite enough.
I'd also like to be done by 30, it didn't seem like it would be that hard to do, even with a bigger family planned. I got pregnant with my 1st at 18, first month trying, and like close gaps. We already said 5 instead of 6 now so I don't want to stop at 4. Although I think if I'd have had a girl it would have made it easier to wait or to even think about stopping. But I can't give up with out one last try.
Sorry to say this but I hate people like that it's like they run it in on purpose just to be mean and u don't need people like that
I took it harder the third time around. Either way that feeling of never having your dream gender is the worst. Im trying to accept my fate now. Im pretty sure Im carrying my 4th boy
When will u get your u/s gender scan?

I just got my period I knew I would because it's my first since baby was born so I didn't want to get pregnant the first month so we will see what happens next month

I really hope it's a girl for u and me
Just to add the nub theory has always been right with my boys as early as 11 weeks
going by nub theory, this baby is 100% girl, but nope - DS2 is cooking away in there after two gender scans! I wish I hadnt looked in to my 12 week scan pics as I only really hoped for a girl when I was definite that it was a girl by nub theory!

We are looking forward to two boys now and plan to have 3 or 4 babies in total and if they're all boys, so be it! I'd love a daughter, but then I think a little army of young men would be awesome also!
I'm ready for a girl I've for 4 boys but if it doesn't happen I'll b ok I told dh were seriously trying this month I finally got my real period back and can't stand it already so the faster I get pregnant the better :) and hopefully it's a girl like mil said it will be when she got her cards read it said her next grand child will be a girl
going by nub theory, this baby is 100% girl, but nope - DS2 is cooking away in there after two gender scans! I wish I hadnt looked in to my 12 week scan pics as I only really hoped for a girl when I was definite that it was a girl by nub theory!

We are looking forward to two boys now and plan to have 3 or 4 babies in total and if they're all boys, so be it! I'd love a daughter, but then I think a little army of young men would be awesome also!

I like your positivity! I wish I can learn to look at the brighter side of things. If this baby happens to be a boy I don't think I'd be fretting yet. It would probably be a good thing actually.
I figure if I get pregnant and it's another boy I will have a little disappointment and it might make me try again but in the brighter side they will all be close together and it can be fun having boys but I never thought I'd have 4 boys
I used to know a family with 5 boys (I was the same age as the youngest) and they were all well brought up, all musical, all over 6 foot, slim build, dark hair and handsome. There wasn't a girl who knew them who didn't have a crush on at least one of them! haha! I'm sure they're all married with beautiful babies now but when I think about the possibility of me having a little brood of boys, I think if I can raise them to be honest respectful young men, I'll be over the moon!
So I was just wondering out of curiosity if ladies who have all boys up to this point have a cut off on their number of tries or do you keep going until you get a girl? I'm determined to stop at 4 regardless.

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