Boo for fizzle contractions
Had a quick catch up read, will have to go over it again though lol.
Congratulations to those with bubbas born and can't wait to see some more!

My little man is just gorgeous and a lovely tempered baby we are all very in love with him.
Birth story.
I went in to be induced at 4pm, by the time all paper work and prepping were finished they put the foley balloon in at 6.30pm and then I was monitored for 30 minutes and then put on the ward. I luckily got a room to myself. I had something to eat and then hubby went home for the evening. I had a couple of light contractions and by 8.30 I had to get up to go to the toilet and the balloon fell out during an hour or so later I had a big clear out and bloody show.
By 1.30 I was getting contractions every 10 minutes or so, and vomiting anything I drank even a sip of water. I called the nurse in and she gave me panadol... wouldn't check me.
Contractions continued all through the night, so glad no one was in the room with me because between the contractions and the vomiting it would not have been a pleasant sleep lol!!
At 6am a nurse came in and said after shift change at 7am they would put me back on the labor ward and get things going. Hubby came back around 20 to 7 and then I was taken to the labor ward not long after 7.
I had the epi put in, catheter put in, pictocin started and my waters broken by 8.30.
I labored until around 11am and the anesthetist came back in because the epi was only working on one side

he tweaked around with it for half hour or so. kept putting me on my side but then babies heart rate would slow right down so said he would be back in half an hour to re-sight it if it still hadn't started working properly.
The midwife asked if I wanted to be checked before he came back in, and I said yes because I was feeling a lot of pressure between the contractions (which were horrendous and I wanted to just about climb up the bed with each one!)
She checked and I was 10cm and ready to go.
I pushed for 45 minutes and wasn't getting anywhere, so went on my side with hubby holding up my leg (LOL very flattering) and he was born within 10 minutes.
No tearing, just a minimal labia graze. 250mls blood loss.
I was STILL vomiting profusely after delivery for 2 hours and been good as gold since then.
I stayed for 6 hours and then went home at 6pm that evening
Overall I had a good birth experience and hubby was just amazing throughout