Baby seems to be doing better than she was, although she never really seemed too bad. Dh still has a fever, but his temperature is starting to go down even though he still feels horrible. I do have a stuffy and runny nose today, but I think it may just be allergies as everything here is starting to bloom.Ure doing amazing hon. I wasn't aloud to breastfeed due to my meds.
I did breastfeed my older ones but never lasted very long. The longest I lasted was 4 weeks which I know is so lame but I had cracked bleeding nipples so had to stop.
I take my hat off to those of you that manage to keep breast feeding because it isn't easy.
Sound like ure DH has flu hon or a nasty cold virus.
Me and DH have awful colds. I spent Sunday in bed because I felt so bad. Thought I had covid again but tested negative.
Feeling a bit better today but still not 100%.
Also we're ttc so it's just so typical to get sick around ovulating.
But I'm cd14 today and still waiting for Ovulation.
We've only been trying for 2 cycles and it's already driving me crazy lol![]()
Sorry to hear you have been sick as well, hope you get better soon! And good luck with the ttc... I can’t even imagine ttc soon. I still have pain and pressure down below from my birth!