♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

Oh definitely I really take my hat off to single mums.
Awwwww Rach ure kids are all so cute. Gorgeous photo.
I keep wandering if I do fall pregnant what will the gender be.
I have a gut feeling it will be a girl but tbh I'm really not bothered. Will just feel very blessed to be pregnant again especially at my age.
I'm off birth control now and it feels so good. Those pills really messed with my cycles
Does anyone have experience with a baby having torticollis? I think my daughter may have it (seeing paediatrician next week). She will only turn her head to the right and is very resistant to looking to the left at all. I’ve also noticed that during tummy time she now holds her head lopsided and doesn’t want to use the muscles on the right side of her neck. We have done our best to encourage her to look left, hold her in way to encourage those muscles to stretch, etc but it doesn’t seem to be helping. I’m worried it’s starting to effect her development now as she uses her right arm (the one she looks at) much more than the left, which she mostly keeps down by her side when playing in her play gym.
Yes my first dd had it and this one started to go that way but I was able to correct it quick. Basically just encourage them to turn the opposite way as much as possible. My best advice was to try and move their head the opposite way during napping. Sadie likes to sleep upright over my shoulder so its easy to do once shes out. Hold them in the arm that kind of forces them to look the other way. Do it gradually as their muscles are tight on the one side. Took a couple weeks with my first but she was older when we had it checked. This one it took about a week. Try to have everything on the tighter side. Toys, tv, yourself. Dont stress about it. With my first they recommended I roll a wash cloth and tuck it on her favored side during sleep(in crib on back) and it will prevent them from turning that way in their sleep. I would tape it or put a band around it otherwise it will just unroll lol. It kept scooting out from under her head for me but figured Id pass it along anyway. Some light massage might help to loosen the tighter side, but I guess check with your Peds first.
@Rach87 Thanks for all of the advice! We have actually been doing everything you suggested other than the rolled towel at bed (we use one during the day) and we are seeing some improvement, although she definitely still prefers the right. If I reposition her head while she sleeps she just moves it right back.

@erher Congratulations on bringing baby girl home! She is beautiful! Those eyes!
So happy she is finally home hon. She is beautiful and I love all her hair
Aww love the baby spam! Gorgeous little poppets. Hope all the mamas are doing well x
We were 2 months old yesterday and she is an absolute sweetheart, though not the best sleeper. We’ve had a handful of 4 hour stretches at night but those are rare and she is mostly still eating every 2.5 hours (or less after 3 am) through the night. It’s doing her good though as she’s already nearly 11lbs!

She has also decided that during the daytime she is only taking 30 minute naps, so I spend a lot of time trying to get her back to sleep. Despite all that she’s a super smiley baby and will try to charm you out of naps with smiles and coos. Her dad has been tricked a couple times and then she’s miserable and crying 5 minutes later.

We took her to a wedding yesterday, which was our first big family outing and she was an absolute dream. She was so interested in all the people and activity and when I put her down in the stroller she slept 2.5 hours, which she hasn’t done during the day since she was 5 weeks old.

We are also getting better at tummy time and she has started sometimes reaching for her toys when laying down. The other day she accidentally got a hold of one that was low hanging and was able to bring it to her mouth. She was so happy about it haha

So good to read everyone’s updates and see all the cute babies! Sorry I never post photos. I don’t even post photos of her face on my social media other than my stories for close friends on Instagram.
We were 2 months old yesterday and she is an absolute sweetheart, though not the best sleeper. We’ve had a handful of 4 hour stretches at night but those are rare and she is mostly still eating every 2.5 hours (or less after 3 am) through the night. It’s doing her good though as she’s already nearly 11lbs!

She has also decided that during the daytime she is only taking 30 minute naps, so I spend a lot of time trying to get her back to sleep. Despite all that she’s a super smiley baby and will try to charm you out of naps with smiles and coos. Her dad has been tricked a couple times and then she’s miserable and crying 5 minutes later.

We took her to a wedding yesterday, which was our first big family outing and she was an absolute dream. She was so interested in all the people and activity and when I put her down in the stroller she slept 2.5 hours, which she hasn’t done during the day since she was 5 weeks old.

We are also getting better at tummy time and she has started sometimes reaching for her toys when laying down. The other day she accidentally got a hold of one that was low hanging and was able to bring it to her mouth. She was so happy about it haha

So good to read everyone’s updates and see all the cute babies! Sorry I never post photos. I don’t even post photos of her face on my social media other than my stories for close friends on Instagram.

Awww she sounds so adorable hon.
Gorgeous babies! @Tasha36089 @IsabellaJayne

thanks @Suggerhoney :friends:

@Teafor2 my first was like that! She literally did not take a day time nap the first 6 months of life. Ugh! She was sooooo hard. I swear our rocking chair had a permanent butt print in it from me sitting in it all day trying to get her to sleep. Lol

@Lucy3 thanks! Doing well :cloud9: How are you? Cant believe you're well into 2nd tri already!
Ugh seriously stressing over here. Dh is sick with either covid again or flu and our little girl is only 10 weeks old. Honestly I’m hoping it’s covid since she should have plenty of antibodies still from when I was sick in my pregnancy. He’s been exposed a lot at work since he’s a teacher and his kids have been getting sick and they don’t do masks anymore here in schools. His covid test was negative yesterday, but last time it took his test a couple days to be positive.

Baby has been okay, but a bit fussy and extra sleepy. I can still get smiles and she still plays when awake. She slept her first 6 hour stretch last night and I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or her little body fighting a virus. I’ve been checking her temperature and right now it’s 99.2, which I’ve read for newborns is still okay. She’s also been feeding well, which makes me feel better that at least she’s getting antibodies from my breast milk. Just hoping I stay healthy so I can take care of her whether she gets sicker or not.
Ugh seriously stressing over here. Dh is sick with either covid again or flu and our little girl is only 10 weeks old. Honestly I’m hoping it’s covid since she should have plenty of antibodies still from when I was sick in my pregnancy. He’s been exposed a lot at work since he’s a teacher and his kids have been getting sick and they don’t do masks anymore here in schools. His covid test was negative yesterday, but last time it took his test a couple days to be positive.

Baby has been okay, but a bit fussy and extra sleepy. I can still get smiles and she still plays when awake. She slept her first 6 hour stretch last night and I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or her little body fighting a virus. I’ve been checking her temperature and right now it’s 99.2, which I’ve read for newborns is still okay. She’s also been feeding well, which makes me feel better that at least she’s getting antibodies from my breast milk. Just hoping I stay healthy so I can take care of her whether she gets sicker or not.

Oh no hon. Are u in the UK. So many colds and coughs going around at the moment.
I will say when I had covid back in January I was testing negative for 2 days even tho I new I had it because I felt terrible. Then on day 3 boom it lit up like a Christmas tree.

Hope u manage to stay well hon. Hope little lady is better soon. Yay for the 6 hour night sleep hopefully a sign she is starting to go through.
Harley Is sleeping way better now.
Has last feed at 10pm and then goes to sleep and wakes around 6am.
Oh no hon. Are u in the UK. So many colds and coughs going around at the moment.
I will say when I had covid back in January I was testing negative for 2 days even tho I new I had it because I felt terrible. Then on day 3 boom it lit up like a Christmas tree.

Hope u manage to stay well hon. Hope little lady is better soon. Yay for the 6 hour night sleep hopefully a sign she is starting to go through.
Harley Is sleeping way better now.
Has last feed at 10pm and then goes to sleep and wakes around 6am.
Thanks! Wow you have such a great little sleeper!

Dh’s covid test was negative again yesterday but he still has a fever, so I’m thinking flu? For now I still feel fine and I’m hoping it stays that way, but I know it can take a couple days. I did have the flu shot but I’ve heard it’s shit this year.

Baby seems to be a bit better, but definitely still sleepy and wanting to feed often. She has been overall happier this morning though and more willing for me to put her down to play. She did 3 hour stretches all night which is still longer than she usually sleeps so thinking she’s still not 100%. I feel like my milk production has been in overdrive so I guess my body is doing it’s best to keep her healthy!
Thanks! Wow you have such a great little sleeper!

Dh’s covid test was negative again yesterday but he still has a fever, so I’m thinking flu? For now I still feel fine and I’m hoping it stays that way, but I know it can take a couple days. I did have the flu shot but I’ve heard it’s shit this year.

Baby seems to be a bit better, but definitely still sleepy and wanting to feed often. She has been overall happier this morning though and more willing for me to put her down to play. She did 3 hour stretches all night which is still longer than she usually sleeps so thinking she’s still not 100%. I feel like my milk production has been in overdrive so I guess my body is doing it’s best to keep her healthy!

Ure doing amazing hon. I wasn't aloud to breastfeed due to my meds.
I did breastfeed my older ones but never lasted very long. The longest I lasted was 4 weeks which I know is so lame but I had cracked bleeding nipples so had to stop.
I take my hat off to those of you that manage to keep breast feeding because it isn't easy.

Sound like ure DH has flu hon or a nasty cold virus.

Me and DH have awful colds. I spent Sunday in bed because I felt so bad. Thought I had covid again but tested negative.
Feeling a bit better today but still not 100%.

Also we're ttc so it's just so typical to get sick around ovulating.
But I'm cd14 today and still waiting for Ovulation.
We've only been trying for 2 cycles and it's already driving me crazy lol:rofl:

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