♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

I really wish I was aloud to breastfeed. Poor little man has has so many issues with colic and reflux. He's much better now but when his colic and reflux was bad I just kept feeling guilty because cudnt give him the good stuff.
Hes only 13lbs now at 5 months. He should be 16lbs or over by now. He's dropped weight but he is not sleeping well at the moment because he has eczema on his face. Got cream now from the doctors so hoping that will clear it. He keeps itching at it. Bless him.
I worry about SIDS all the time.
Unfortunately when u become a mum.u never stop worrying even when they are 18 u still worry.
Just make sure she has no blankets near her or anything near her face so if she is on her side nothing is there to block her breathing.
I think this is the longest I’ve gone without coming on here since i started ttc this one. Anyway, Sadie is 8 weeks old already! She smiles up a storm, coo’s and chit chats. She loves her big bro and sis so much! Shes rolled from tummy to back a few times. Cant wait to see her sweet little personality keep growing. Its funny I kept hearing how going from 2 to 3 kids was the worst and hardest. Its actually been the easiest transition out of all 3!

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Oh Rach she is gorgeous hon. I found transitioning fom 2 to 3 easy too.
So sorry to those that can't have anymore that must be hard.
I really wud love anther baby and we are gonna try but I know it will have to be my last because I'm a old lady now (42)
Will definitely be bitter sweet knowing I will never be pregnant and have a bump again.
So blessed to have what I already have' but knowing I'm coming to the end of my fertile years is so sad.
Don't even know if it will happen again
Hopefully it will.
It's so also crazy how fast time goes. I can't believe my little man is 5 months old and will be 6 months on 5th March.
How are u all doing ladies and how are those cute babies?
We are doing good here! I can’t believe how much she is growing. At her last check she was 9lb 13oz already! She has also gotten better at spending time on the floor, which I’m really happy about since she used to hate it. But she has been boycotting tummy time lately. She doesn’t cry, just turns her head and sucks her hands instead of lifting her head up. It doesn’t matter if I lay down to talk to her or hold something in front of her, she’d just rather relax haha.
@Lucy3 it probably is related to lupus. It has to do with hormones, which also affects lupus so I’m sure there has to be some correlation. I couldnt believe how little info there was on it either! I thought I was just a horrible mom bc I HATED nursing and got so anxious/depressed everytime. Then it hit me when I was pumping at 4am when my dd was around 5 months and sleeping through the night - why am I still feeling so anxious and awful when Im not even breastfeeding, just pumping?! So I googled that and there was only 1 site. I brought it up to my OB and she had no clue what I was talking about :( Thankfully it seems to be more researched bc this time my OB knew exactly what I meant when I said it. Once I knew I wasnt the worst mom ever and I had no control over the feelings it made it much easier to deal with. Ive had it each time but not as severe (I think the massive oversupply with my first exacerbated it to the 10th degree)

I wonder if some women get misdiagnosed with PPD when its really DMER. If I didn't know any better I would've thought it was ppd. I never wanted to hurt myself or baby but definitely had bad anxiety while nursing and in between dreading the next feed.

sorry you have to deal with it too :(
64038CD4-BE0F-4C02-B9BB-69ACD805A7DF.jpeg FEDC338F-81DA-44F6-B8C2-A61840622915.jpeg Some baby spam of my 2 month old. I cant believe Im saying it but more babies does sound amazing, Sadie has been such a treat and imagining being surrounded by a football teams worth of my children in 15 years would be a dream - but Im past the point already where I wanted to be done having babies, and I dont think my body could handle it again. That being said, I feel 100% complete and content. :cloud9:
We are doing good here! I can’t believe how much she is growing. At her last check she was 9lb 13oz already! She has also gotten better at spending time on the floor, which I’m really happy about since she used to hate it. But she has been boycotting tummy time lately. She doesn’t cry, just turns her head and sucks her hands instead of lifting her head up. It doesn’t matter if I lay down to talk to her or hold something in front of her, she’d just rather relax haha.

Harley is over 5 months old now and hates being on his front. Be can hold his head up when he is on his front but he doesn't do it for long. But I can hold him in a sitting position and he loves that.
He's just always hated being on his front. I'm sure he will get to like it when he starts rolling.

View attachment 1106158 View attachment 1106159 Some baby spam of my 2 month old. I cant believe Im saying it but more babies does sound amazing, Sadie has been such a treat and imagining being surrounded by a football teams worth of my children in 15 years would be a dream - but Im past the point already where I wanted to be done having babies, and I dont think my body could handle it again. That being said, I feel 100% complete and content. :cloud9:

Hello cutie pie. She is so cute hon.
I was definitely getting broody again from when Harley was still really young. But I'm not so bad now. But we definitely will try again.

Here is my little man now. He will be 6 months old on 5th March and he weighs 13lbs. 20220209_182953.jpg
Question for ladies that had a vaginal birth: how long did it take for all of your swelling and things to resolve? I’m 5 weeks postpartum and still a bit swollen and sore. It’s not where my episiotomy was, but more like the top my my vulva. I’m starting to wonder if her head bruised a bone or something on the way out. Or is it par for the course to have swelling last this long?
Question for ladies that had a vaginal birth: how long did it take for all of your swelling and things to resolve? I’m 5 weeks postpartum and still a bit swollen and sore. It’s not where my episiotomy was, but more like the top my my vulva. I’m starting to wonder if her head bruised a bone or something on the way out. Or is it par for the course to have swelling last this long?

I had terrible swelling after my 3rd baby. Can't remember how long it lasted tho.
@Teafor2 I dont remember honestly. I know my suture line was sensitive until around 6 1/2 weeks, but cant remember excessive swelling. My delivery was so insanely fast though Im not sure anything had time to get swollen lol
Anyone else suffering with insomnia? I had one or two tricky nights falling asleep even though baby was sleeping, but last night was really bad. Not only was she waking every hour, but in between I would just lay wide awake unable to fall asleep. I’m feeling absolute crap today and I’m alone with her for a week while dh works in Austria. I’m really hoping it’s just a bad night and not the start of postnatal depression or something. I know I’m high risk for it so I’m trying to be very aware.
@Teafor2 Ive always had insomnia and its always worse when dh is working (he has 24 hr shifts). So yea baby will be sleeping and Im just….awake. It really sucks especially when you finally fall asleep and then baby is up for their next feed. Thankfully lately I only have trouble falling asleep in the beginning of night and just when dh is away. Otherwise I would be a walking zombie with my other kids lol
@Suggerhoney yea it can be pretty rough sometimes. Hes gone 24, then sometimes needs to come home and sleep a few hours. Then has to cram and get 2 days worth of errands/tasks done, then back to work the next morning for 24. The upside is he gets a nice amount of days off too which balances it out. But I can fully sympathize with single mommas. :sleep::coffee:

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