1 Month


Jayden and Macie-Leigh xx
Dec 26, 2007
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Sorry if i have posted this in the wrong part :(

i still can't come to terms with the loss of my mate, Lewie :cry: it has been one month today, and i still wake up thinking of him and go to sleep thinking of him, it should have been his 17th on Tuesday and we should have been buying him presents but instead we will be getting t-shirts with his picture on and messages on them and reminiscing the 'old times' when he was still with us. i just can't deal with it all right now, and i feel so awful on my poor little baby :( he is sick and isn't sleeping well and because i was upset last night i just wanted to be on my own but he just kept crying and crying and ii got a cob on an shouted at him to leave me alone, then i wouldn't put him down i just sat the rocking and cuddling him :cry::cry:

sorry girls, just hard to talk about this to my mum and family you know. i will be going to his grave tonight, get a few things out and if your wondering why tonight? its because i know his family will be there today and i don't want to intrude on the grieving.

keep Lewie and his family in your prayers/thoughts girls.
R.I.P. Lewie, my one in a million taken from me but i will never 4get you :cry: xxxxxxxxxx
Awww huge hugs to you hun x

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