10 DPO and caved...


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2010
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Alright I am 10 DPO, AF is due friday or saturday and I caved in an POAS today :dohh: I swore I wouldnt do this to myself but I did anyway. It was BFN and I am so sad :cry:

Do I still have a chance at getting a BFP in a few more days?

Just want to go crawl in bed and cry :cry::cry::cry:
Hello, its still early days, I would test again in a couple of days.. Have you been getting preg symptoms?
yes I feel like I have big time PG symptoms, I have been exhausted, a little stuffy, I feel a combination of shaky,dizzy, achey, cramping for the last few days.... Not sure what else but I just feel off.
I'm in the same boat as you almost. I am 9dpo and getting BFN's but AF is due tomorrow or Thursday. I've also been having really horrible symptoms, I feel like I'm hung over and have been sleeping live 14 hours a day nearly every day for the past few days. I am now starting to feel like AF is coming and I have a major headache and keep feeling sick and like I'm going to faint. I am deffo gunna keep an eye on your progress, wishing you a load of luck and :dust:, hope you get a nice BFP soon !
BeesBella - we are feeling the same way! Hungover is a great way to define how I feel. I just feel yuck and I want to sleep all day but unfortunately I have been dealing with work. I am also hungry but when I get food in front of me I dont want to eat...

Fingers crossed for you and AF staying away!
I know what you mean ! OH brought me a chocolate dessert yesterday and I only ate the cream on the top and that took me 45 mins !
Wow looks like we've been TTC for the same amount of time aswell ! I am only on my third cycle TTC#1.
How old are you ? Seems we have a lot in common !
thats so sweet that he brought you dessert!

I will be 25 next month, and this is also our 3rd cycle TTC # 1! Seems like its taking forever already and its only month # 3.... We do have alot in common! how old are you?

I sort of pushed my hubby to start trying earlier than he wanted because I thought it might take a little bit of time and I am so happy we started trying when we did. Originally we werent going to start trying until march because he thought it would happen right away.

How is your OH handling all of this TTC business? Sometimes I feel like mine is great and other times he is such a boy!
I'm only 20, but I am quite mature for a university student.
OH is the same as yours, one minute he's really excited and involved in testing and vitamins and everything and the next he says we're trying too hard and we should just relax.....easy for him to say eh ?
He is really sweet though and for the first cycle since we have been TTC he told me this cycle that he can sense that I am pregnant...guess we'll have to see if he is right !
I totally understand I have always been more mature than my age I just didnt have anyone to have a baby with until now.

OMG mine said the same thing this month! Maybe its just wishful thinking on their part but maybe they are right! FX!
Well I guess we will have to wait and see lol.
When are you planning on testing ?
Well I tested today... I shouldnt have because now Im sad and mad at myself for testing when I know its really to early to do it but i have just been feeling so crappy that I felt like oh why not.

My hubby and I are going away this weekend thursday - sunday so I will probably wait and see if AF arrives over the weekend as it should come on friday or saturday, if no AF I will probably test again on monday.

I am hoping that being gone will help the time fly by and AF stays away.

When will you be testing again?
I am gunna try and hold out until 30th which is when I will be 14dpo, if AF doesn't show !
ok well keep me posted on what happens and I will do the same. I really hope we are feeling crappy for good reason....
Will do and me too, if I knew I was pregnant then I would enjoy feeling crappy lol.
Hi ladies, sounds like you both have some very good signs of early pregnancy, I too feel so blah, tired as all get out I fight to keep my eyes open it seems... I've had all kinds of things going on with me.. Too many in fact.. The waiting game... grrr

I'm a POAS aholic I'm holding out till the day AF is to arrive, wait a few more days and retest with FMU... FX'd you get your :bfp: soon...

Tell me some of the symptoms you both have been having... I've gotten to be a pro at this... :lol:

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