
Defo don't pee after.
Not sure about the smoking weed thing, maybe his sperms could get stoned and lose their way lol.
I am still TTC so don't have the miracle answers.

Good luck and just BD as much as you can x
not sure myself tbh, just bd plenty

put legs in air if u feel like it, i did it once oh laughed so hard he fell of the bed, not done it since
might not know all the answers but here is a go...

We are not all fertile around 14 days after af, it all depends on how long your cycle is. I ov on 14 day as im on a 28 day cycle, and test positve with a opk on cd13. The only way you are going to know what day is your ov is if you track it through fertility friend or opks. online ovulation calenders do give you a plus minus time frame.

Some tell you positions count, some say not, some say keep your butt up some say dont...i personally believe you call fall pregnant any position, otherwise there would be allot less babies in this world! im sure it helps though having bd and then keeping your butt raised, makes sense spermies do have a easier time reaching the cervix, but hey i believe bd should be fun and seeing we do it so much to try get preggies, why not have a little fun :)
I do however make dh stay a little longer in me...:blush: and i dont rush off to the bathroom, i wait ten mins or so first, then i know all the strong swimmers should be past the cervix.

My partner smokes marijuana as well, i do read it does effect sperm mobility, ive put him on a vit to try help that. however i have fallen pregnant twice before in the last 7 months with no vit. i lost both my angles though :( Hubby has cut down his alot, but i know no amount of preaching will make him stop. I will enjoy a nice glass of red wine every now and then he will enjoy a puff. :dohh:

How long have you been trying for?

Good luck this month!
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Shazzy is right about the o thing... she is a rare one that actually o's on cd14! You need to figure out when YOU o to determine your most fertile days. I would start at least with opks. However, I found those frustrating (personally) as I never got CLEAR positives. BBT charting was the most helpful for me by far. You should consider charting of some sort. You may be fertile anywhere from cd 10 to cd20 depending on YOUR cycle.

Once you know what day you o, the best bet is to BD every day or every other day for about 3-4 days pre o (sperm can live for 3-5 days in your tubes). Also BD on o day and the day after. After that, your egg will either be fertilized or will die.

Position does not matter. Your OH staying in you won't matter. It may help a little bit if you orgasm AFTER your OH does ... it helps sucks the sperm up into your uterus.

Do NOT pee after sex on your fertile days. I had the same problems with UTI. You should lay flat or with hips elevated for AT LEAST 15 minutes to allow gravity to help you out. If you BD at night, stay in bed for the night if you can. When I did that I noticed a massive difference in the sperm that would come out vs. when I would pee right after. If UTIs are a real problem for you (as the were for me) you can talk to your doc about suppression therapy. Macrodantin (sp?) is the BEST!!! It has a generic, so is pretty cheap. It works fast and only in your urinary tract. So, it is totally safe for TTC and for pg. If you are UTI prone, you probably want supression therapy for pregnancy anway. UTIs can be dangerous to baby. I took 50 mg once per day when I was TTC. When I got pg I went up to 100 mg once per day. If I feel a flare coming on I take 100 mg twice per day. I haven't gotten a bad UTI since starting that. (Though I do get flares if I get dehydrated).

As for the pot -- it CAN affect your partner's sperm mobility. Believe it or not it makes his sperm stoned and they can't swim as well. :rofl: You can still get pg if he smokes, but it may be a bit harder. If you can convince him, have him lay off the pot for 3-5 days before your fertile period and all the way through your fertile period. This means no pot for him for about 10 days per month. Get him as close to that goal as possible. If you can't, don't worry. It won't kill your chances, just make it a little harder. It shouldn't effect the genetics of his sperm, so if one manages to swim its way to your egg, it will have the same chance at being a normal baby as anyone else.

Hope that helps!!
Oh, I forgot. A good multi vit for your OH is a good thing. Extra zinc will help, too (but it takes about 90 days to start working for him).

Make sure you are on a prenatal vit, too!
Wow, thanks so much for the help. Getting my OH to stop smoking for any amount of time wont be possible. If he was forced to due to lack of supply i think the last thing on his mind would be sex. haha.
haha! Well, I guess you'll just have to deal with stoned :spermy:! :rofl:
my partner smokes that too and i was worried but first time got pregnant :) i laid on my back for a good 15 minutes after sex and when i went to bathroom i didn't push like i normally do to get the remainder out!! good luck x
Hey. Welcome to BnB!
I'm dealing with the 'stoned' sperm thing myself. Also haven't bothered asking him to cut down, although if nothing happens this month maybe I'll mention it.
I have had a bit of a read on the net, and found various opinions about it. Most seem to say either that smoking weed reduces the sperm count altogether, or that it makes them lazy (or both!). Some research has apparently shown that counting down on the smoking won't actually help to build supplies back up...
Having said that, I have managed to get pregnant twice before, so it is definitely possible. :)
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I have also read that :sex: in the morning is the best
The way we did it as Bd every other night all the way through..that way its hard to miss that egg! i held my legs up, like bent them back onto my body, while i was lying down, (only for 5 mins max.), plus I always wee'ed after 5 mins too because you can get bladder infections, uti's all sorts, so its best to wee after. we also used preseed this month which i highly recommend. thats it. it worked for us. x
The way we did it as Bd every other night all the way through..that way its hard to miss that egg! i held my legs up, like bent them back onto my body, while i was lying down, (only for 5 mins max.), plus I always wee'ed after 5 mins too because you can get bladder infections, uti's all sorts, so its best to wee after. we also used preseed this month which i highly recommend. thats it. it worked for us. x

So how long after now stopping the pill is it worth doing this? As this sounds like the simplest way to go. Also, 'preseed'?
You can get pg your first cycle after stopping the pill, so it is never to early to start. Some docs even believe it is easier to get pg right after coming off the pill. They think that by supressing o for so long, your body gets all "excited" to o the first couple of cycles it is allowed to and o's really well. I have talked to docs that use the pill with women having fertility problems to help stimulate o (put them on it for about 2-5 months then take them off).

As for preseed, it is a "conception friendly" lube. Almost all lubes (unless specifically made otherwise) have some spermicidal qualities. So don't use them! Also, saliva has spermicidal quality, too, so avoid that. Preseed is a lube that actually helps the sperm live longer and swim better. It may be worth looking into for you with your OH's stoned sperms. :mrgreen:

Many ladies have gotten pg using preseed. Elliebank was trying for 14 months and got pg the first time she tried preseed. Amanthony also got pg right after starting to use it. I was trying for 6 months and the month I got my bfp I used a conception friendly lube for the first time (not preseed, but similar). You can order preseed online, just google it.

You need to figure out when YOU o to determine your most fertile days. I would start at least with opks. However, I found those frustrating (personally) as I never got CLEAR positives.

Sorry to jump on this one, but I'm having the same problem. My opk's are seldom as dark as the control line, but you got preggers, does that mean I can get preggs too, even if my opk's are negative??
I would say it depends upon if you are ovulating or not. If you are not getting really clear positive opks, I would start BBT charting. That is what I found most helpful by far! A temp shift will show that you are ovulating. Are you charting? If not, go to www.fertilityfriend.com and read up on it. It is a little bit of a pain, but so worth it. It can sound a little daunting at first, but there are lots of ladies here that know a lot about it and can help you through it.

The month that I got by bfp, I did an opk about 12 hours before I ovulated (confirmed later by BBT chart) and still wasn't sure if it was positive. It wasn't as dark as the control. But it was (in hindsight) as dark as I was ever going to get. My BBT charts showed from the first month that I was clearly ovulating.

Let me know if you need any more help! :dust:
I just started charting last month but had a very unusual short cycle so I still cannot detect a pattern. Guess I'll just have to wait.

:dohh: I didn't see your chart in your siggie! Sorry! I blame it on preggo brain! :blush:

I had a peek. I agree, last month doesn't tell you much. But this month should tell you more! Good luck!!

Also, some ladies have found that they have to do 2 opks a day (every 12 hours) to catch a positive. That might work for you, too.
Hi there. I have only fallen pregnant once and it sadly ended in an early miscarriage last month :cry: but i wanted to reply to your post to put your mind at rest.

I fell pregnant really soon after we stopped using protection, it took about 4 weeks, my OH has smoked pot in the past and still does now and again (although not very often i must admit). I always go for a wee either straight away or pretty soon after we BD and i never lie with my legs in the air afterwards (i either fall asleep or get up and have a snack or something :rofl: )

I haven't done any charting as of yet, we've just been BD'ing whenever we fancy, i guess every other day on average...more often if we've got days off together :happydance:

Good luck, i hope you get your :bfp: very soon!

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