I had to nanny for a little girl a few years back-before i have had my own baby who is now 8 weeks old....- and basically this little girl was 10 weeks old and was being breastfed by her mum, but however her mum had to go back to work..yes very early i know! so the mum started expressing her milk into bottles when her little girl was about 7 weeks old to get her use to taking bottles before she returned to work.She was happy taking both the breast and the bottle, until she got to about 12 weeks old and just refused to have the bottle in her mouth.Me and the mum had to work together, and as hard as it was for her, she had to stop breast feeding and just express her milk until her baby was use to taking a bottle again. The 12 week old baby went 23hours without taking a bottle and the mum did a really good job of not givign in and just giving her the boob! The baby after 23 hours took a whole 5oz of her mums expressed milk from a bottle...and the mum continued to do this for 6 or 7 days-no breastfeeding-just expressing and the baby was then taking a bottle like there hadnt been any problems.The mum then started breastfeeding again and the little girl was taking the breast and the bottle without any problems.I think when babies get to 10 weeks they realise the difference between a bottle teat and their mums breast. It's hard if you have to go back to work or you are laeving the baby with someone ( cant just whip your boob out! ) and they are still so young as they will refuse a bottle-it's not what they are use to- but if your baby is slightly older he will more than likely not develop the problem of taking breast and bottle-as all he wants is milk-so he isnt too bothered if it is from breast of bottle.
Im not sure if im making sense and wording it properly, but what im trying to say is that if you are planning on leaving your baby from a young age-from 8 weeks or so, then i would try and get them taking your expressed milk from a bottle, a good few weeks before you plan to leave them, and make sure they are happy taking a bottle, and then you can introduce the breast again...or you could give bottle during the day, and have them take the breast for their first morning feed and their last bed time feed.
You have got to perserve, and it is extreemly hard, but if a baby is hungry he will eat, wether it is a bottle or breast...in this mums case it took her daughter of 12 weeks to go a whole 23 hours without milk, and then the mum had to stick to expressing her milk into a bottle for a week-her baby then had no problems taking both the breast and bottle.xx