Am feeling really periody today, headachy and tetchy. Decided to do a test today at work anyway - just for the hell of it. Bought a Tesco test and did it. Looked as the fluid was crossing the window - nothing - put it in my desk and looked 4-5 mins later and there is definately a feint pink line - feint but definately pink and not an evap line.
Not sure what to think now!!!! Still very headachy and periody feeling. Keep looking at it but its definately there. Will test again with FMU tomorrow!!!
Heres hoping!!
Am feeling really periody today, headachy and tetchy. Decided to do a test today at work anyway - just for the hell of it. Bought a Tesco test and did it. Looked as the fluid was crossing the window - nothing - put it in my desk and looked 4-5 mins later and there is definately a feint pink line - feint but definately pink and not an evap line.
Not sure what to think now!!!! Still very headachy and periody feeling. Keep looking at it but its definately there. Will test again with FMU tomorrow!!!
Heres hoping!!