Dream queen-
Yes, I've had my tubes checked and they were clear and my oh tested fine. My cycle is about 31 days and I usually ovulate around day 17 if I ovulate at all. I'm doing acupuncture treatments to help with ovulating. I had a mc in 2008 and an ectopic pregnancy this past April. I'm just hopin one sticks soon. My younger sis is 11 weeks along and I'm happy for her but sometimes it's hard to watch...
Congratulations on your ! Wishing you a h&h 9 months!
What a miracle...brings tears to my eyes hun. You have been blessed and you have inspired all here that are close to losing hope. Thank you for sharing and I know you will enjoy every second
all i can say is congrats! i love to see stories like this. just another ltttc hoping for my miracle. i wish you the happiest, healthiest 9 months ever!
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