16 weeks pregnant, have a toddler, and I've just ended it with my abusive OH... :'(


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2013
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Hi everyone.

I don't even know where to start. I don't even think this is the right place to post. I'm just so lost. I feel numb, upset, my depression is really bad right now. I'm just looking for advice or support, or to talk to someone who's been in a similar situation.

I'm pregnant, have a 14 month old little boy, and I've just ended it with his father last week. I don't want to get into everything that's happened cause there's honestly so much, but the basics are that he's always been controlling, manipulative and jealous, but since I got pregnant with my son, he's also became physically and emotionally abusive.

He's pushed/shoved me when I was 5 months pregnant with my son, that was the start of it. Then after I had my son, he's hit me multiple times, spat in my face, slapped me, and once beat me up so bad I was so scared to be around him I had to call the police and have them take him away.

That's the physical part of it, but him being emotionally abusive has done so much more damage in my opinion. He constantly put me down, humiliates me in front of people, would dismiss my feelings by saying I was being "ridiculous" and "pathetic", he would say when I'm having a down day because of my depression that I was just "miserable and I should just snap out of it".

He would call me awful names like "lazy/stupid/selfish c.u.n.t" or say I'm "an invalid who might as well have no arms or legs because I do nothing". - That argument started when he complained that the house was "filthy and a mess" when he came home from work just because there was some of my sons toys on the floor and a few dishes to be washed, and he was saying that I'm useless and don't do anything around the house, when actually I do everything apart from dishes and taking the bins out, cause that's what he does, but that's ALL he does, yet still says I'm the lazy one...

He even says often that I just use my depression and social anxiety as an excuse for being a "lazy c.u.n.t" and not wanting to go out often cause I just can't be bothered... He's just so unsympathetic and I honestly think he's made my depression so much worse with him being like this. He makes me cry pretty much every day.

And the cherry on top of the cake... He denies being abusive or awful to me, says he's done nothing wrong, doesn't ever admit to being nasty and vile to me, and instead says that IM the abusive one, that I'm the awful one who treats him like shit and is so hard to live with and makes his life so damn miserable... Can you believe that?

Well actually, after doing ALOT of research on abusive people and talking to many women on abuse helplines and a social worker, I can believe it, because that's what abusive people are like. They are vile and treat their partners like crap, always putting them down and manipulating them and making them think that they are the crazy/awful/abusive one and not themselves. My ex is the stereotypical emotional and physical abuser.

And last week, after I finally admitted that to myself and told myself I can do better and realised I need to put my kids and my mental health before that abusive awful man, I packed all of his stuff while he was at work and kicked him out when he got home. I've talked to him a few times since then over text, he's still denying being abusive to me and still maintains that it's actually me that's the abusive one... How frustrating??

I've gave up talking to him now. I want nothing to do with someone who refuses to admit what they are and who refuses to get help. So I'm done now. I've told him he can see our son at my mothers every Saturday but I don't want to see him again. He has hurt me so much and has emotionally scarred me.

And you know what's stupid? I still love him and a part of me still wants to be with him. I still feel like I want him here when I'm feeling lonely and upset in the evenings. Even though I know I will NEVER let that happen and am putting my child before my feelings, it still hurts... I just wish he would realise what he is and get help so he can get better, then we could possibly work things out in the future, but he won't, he's a lost cause.

I don't even know what I'm saying or asking for here. I'm honestly just so lost. I just wanted to vent and maybe talk to someone. I just feel so lonely, I moved here to be with him and now I have no friends that live close to me, and having social anxiety I don't get out too much unless I'm with my mum, which is only 2 or 3 times a week. Please just someone say something to cheer me up or reassure me I'm doing the right thing or something cause it's so hard being on my own, and it's going to be even harder once this baby comes... :cry:
I'm so sorry you're going through this! But good for you, taking charge and protecting yourself and your kids from him!!! That must have been and still be a very difficult step for you but your own happiness and your kids' will be so worth it in the end. Being a single mum won't be easy but you absolutely can do it and I'm sure in many ways, it'll be easier than it was with him around. You're strong and capable, you've got this. Make sure you keep getting yourself all the help and support you need, that's such an important thing to be able to do. Have you thought about counselling for your anxiety? It's very treatable, so if it bothers you, this might be a way to improve your day-to-day life and make single motherhood a bit easier. I'd also suggest any mummy groups or baby classes you can find, if you can manage. Having mum friends with kids the same age will make life so much easier as well.
I wish you the very best with everything and think you should be very, very proud of yourself.
You have definitely done the right thing getting rid of him!!

I am also 16 weeks preg, with a 4 year old. It is daunting at first thinking oh god I am on my own but I feel a hell of a lot stronger now than I did with my evil ex. He also denied everything he did (don't even want to repeat it cos of how bad he was), but he also blamed me, telling people I am not perfect and I should look at myself. Well if I am that bad then why is he still pestering me?? Honestly the less contact you have and concentrate on yourself, the less you will feel you need him or want him around, it is just a shock. It is a bit different for me because it was over in my head before I left. x
Thanks so much for the kind words Amy. That made me tear up a bit :cry:
I think getting counselling is a great idea and probably a must, I'll go see my GP soon and see what she says. Hopefully it will do me some good to talk to someone about everything and work through my problems. And to be honest I've never been brave enough to go to any baby/mum groups, I've always been scared thinking I'll be judged or not talked to or something, which is probably just me being silly but that's just my anxiety taking over, I'm usually uncomfortable in large groups too, but I shall pick up a programme from my local centre and take the plunge sometime soon! Wish me luck lol x
For what you've done so far, you are so so strong and don't let anyone tell you any different, including him! Your strength & courage is admirable for kicking him out and putting yourself and your kids first, you've made the best decision. Keep your head high & smile, you have so much better to look forward to :)
Hi Jen. Thank you so much for that.

I know I've done the right thing for me and my babies, it's just so hard. I'm hoping it will get better in time but it's just getting there... It sounds like you were right to get rid of your ex too! I admire your bravery, I think now I'm going through it and seeing how hard it is it's making me appreciate how strong women must be to walk away from a bad relationship, and I know it's going to be hard raising 2 kids on my own too. But if you and countless other women can do it then hopefully so can I, I just need to believe more in myself I think, which is hard when someone knocks you down so much...

It looks like you're only a few days behind me. How close! :) I hope you have a happy & healthy pregnancy x
Awh that's so nice Emsabub! :) Thank you. I will try to keep my head high and not let him see how much he's dragged me down. Hopefully soon I'll be okay and genuinely happy and he'll see he no longer has control over me anymore! Also, best of luck to you and your new little babba that's due soon :) Not long at all ey? Eeeek x
Whatever he has said to you is not true, name-calling and all. You are the stronger person! Just the fact that you were able to kick the a$$ out is proof. Think of yourself and the kiddos first.

While I have never been in your situation, I'll just encourage you to continue being that strong woman you are!
You've definitely done the right thing. I used to be in an abusive relationship, thankfully pre children and I genuinely believe leopards don't change their spots. Well done for being strong for you and your kids. You're worth more than this 💕
I'm so sorry for what you're going through and it must be so hard, but you are most definitely doing the right thing for you and your kids! Good for you! You are so brave.
Thank you everyone! This is exactly what I needed to hear. All I want to do is the best for me and my kids. And I'm glad you's all think I'm doing the right thing. Much love and I wish happy & healthy pregnancies to you all! :)
I'm so sorry you've been through all that :hugs: but you have 100% done the right thing - it might seem like things are awful at the moment but you've done the hardest part by walking away, and things will only get better for you and your children because of that. Don't listen to a word he says.

I am sure it will take a long time for you to feel more positive, but just keep thinking that you've done the right thing for your babies, and for you too. You don't deserve to be treated like that

You did the right thing hon! Stay strong. My oldest 3 children are from my physical, emotionally, and economically abusive ex husband. When I finally left I missed him and that's normal. Don't let loneliness take you back there. However please put a safe plan in place in case he tries to act out. Also can you stay with someone you trust until the baby is born and you get on your feet? You are so much stronger than you even realize.
Hi floridamomma, thank you for that :) I actually rent the apartment I'm in so i don't need somewhere else to stay, he was the one to move out. So I'm lucky in that sense I guess. I will be moving soon anyway because right now I'm living too close to him and I'm worried about bumping into him when I'm out, so as soon as I get some money together I will be moving closer to where all my family lives. I'll feel much much safer there x
Hi hon didn't want to read and run, I was in a similar situation when I was pregnant with my first ds. Leaving is the best thing I did. What other ladies are sayin is definately true it's surprising how u find strength when u need it. You are doing right putting you and your babies first. You will be so glad you did. How dare he treat u like that. My advise would be stay away as much as you can and def move nearer family if you get the chance.
My experience left me very anxious and panicy. I also struggled with social situations. After getting support my life changed hon. After a couple of years I trained to be a mental health nurse as part of this I ran perinatal groups which was basically mums and baby groups but for mummy's that struggles with anx and depression. I wish I had the guts to attend when I wasn't so good as they would have helped me so much. You would find that many of the mums wouldn't talk much at first but after a few sessions it was loverly to see ladies confidence develop and new friendships being made. I now do CBT full time and work withpeople daily tht have social anxiety. As another lady said it is very treatable and now would Prob be a good time for you to go. If you go to your gp ask for high intensity CBT. This is what wil help you the best hon. Low Intensity would only be short term and you might as well get as much support as you can before new baba arrives.
I'm 17 weeks and just found out having a little boy :) you take care and stay strong ️xx if you have a down moment get mad not sad at your ex and give that little one of your a cuddle x
Apple x
Others have given you such good support on here and I wanted to do the same. The situation you are in isn't easy. I know because I have worked with domestic violence victims every day for the past 9 years (I'm a therapist at a DV center). I would encourage you to continue seeking support from as many people as you can and do your best to stay away from him. You may feel tempted to go back especially becuase you are pregnant with his child, but you will have a much healthier pregnancy without him and his cruelty. Batterers like to let their victims think that they are the abusive ones, by the way, so know that this is typical behavior and you are definitely not the abusive one. If you ever have questions or need someone to talk to, you can always send me a private message. :hugs:
Thanks so much everyone! I am overwhelmed by all the support. Im finding it okay looking after my son on my own, it's just a bit lonely sometimes but I'm trying to get out as much as possible so I don't start feeling lonely and in turn start missing my ex. But I'm staying strong and not letting my feelings overpower what's best for me and my kids. And Rymel12 I will definitely keep that in mind, thank you :) x
I felt like you did. I even saw old posts about me missing my ex, I can't believe I even wrote that now looking back :haha:

It does get easier. I love being a single mum, ok so it is hard at times financially but you make the rules, I am so close to my girl, we have been together alone for over 4 years, now I have to do it all again with my bump lol, but it is ok. :) If you ever have a weak moment, do something that makes you happy, even if it's just a nice relaxing bath or putting some music on and having a sing, it helps. Plus you have a lot to concentrate on to keep you going. :) xx
The right man for you should compliment you in many ways and make life easier! If all he was good at was taking out the trash and insulting you, you'll have a much better, easier time without him. In dumping him you've:
- saved your life, abuse always escalates as the insecure person seeks more control
- made your life easier by not egging on mental health problems for yourself. You wish for depression, anxiety attacks, thoughts of suicide? Stay with someone who treats you like trash.
- you've saved your kids from abuse, if he's abusing you it's only a matter of time before he abuses them
- you've taught yourself and your kids, as they may learn what happened and who dad is in the future, that you are worthy of a partner who treats you well.

Life is short, you sound like you are a brave wee lass looking to squeeze some good put of what's left of yours. You should be proud of yourself for giving your kids a promising future, with that man around there's absolutely no promise of anything good. My little sister had a horrific breakup and said she found herself laughing and feeling comforted after reading this book: https://www.amazon.ca/Its-Called-Breakup-Because-Broken/dp/0767921968

You should really seek counselling and seek advice from a lawyer in how to gain full custody of your boy/future child. The last thing he has over you is control of your son, don't be surprised if he shows up at the door with papers, preempt anything he can do to you by protecting what's yours. xx
You have done the right thing. You are very brave. Massive hugs xx

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