1st and hopefully only IUI today....my experience for those wondering about IUIs

so sorry Mary :( that just sucks but remember by the time the egg is ready for implantation your lining should be good.....don't lose faith!! there is always hope!

AF is never going to find us again!

as for me, feeling good and focusing on a lot of other things besides POAS...LOL
have my cousins coming over on Saturday for dinner...planning my menu...ribs, rice, onion rings and corn....with cheesecake popsicles for dessert...right now I am taking a break from making pickles...my cucumber plants produced 37 cucumbers! so I am making pickles for the first time using the little unripe ones....countdown is on!! 10 days to our vacation! cleaning up the house, packing, finishing things at work....busy busy busy! just the way I like it...to keep my mind of my little bean growing and sticking :)


Mmmm...cheesecake popsicles! Sounds delicious.
Well I had my follow up apmnt today and my Doc didn't recommend me continuing with Clomid due to the thinning of lining I experienced. Unfortunately if this month doesn't take I'll moving on to injectibles = more visits to the clinic and more $$. She is also worried that because I produced so many follicles I might develop a cyst which will mean sitting out next month. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen. She didn't seem too hopeful about my chances this month with my lining around 5.

Sorry, just needed to vent:growlmad:. Thanks for listening.

Mary I'm really hoping that you don't end up with cysts and have to sit some time out! Did they tell you what injectables? I am pretty sure that I will be moving to Gonal F in September if this natural cycle doesn't work - which I'm already being negative about .... I know I know its only 6 or 7dpo way to early for jumping to conclusions, but I just can't help but feel that this was once again another "bust" this month.

Do you have benefits that cover your drugs? I am lucky that I have 6 cycles of fertility treatments in a lifetime so we discussed how many IVF we would ever do as those drugs are like $5K a month and we decided that 2 rounds on injectables at approximately $1K per month would be our limit and that would go through my benefits and then the other 4 cycles would be set aside for the cost of IVF drugs.

I know its jumping ahead but I'm a planner ;) Have you looked at your clinic's IVF statistics?

Way to keep busy Monica! I have been busy in the evenings and on the weekend so I don't have time to think about or obsess about the TWW .... however during the workday sitting at my desk is a WHOLE other story! I feel like all I do is stress and think about it and wonder "Will this EVER happen for me?!"
Way to keep busy Monica! I have been busy in the evenings and on the weekend so I don't have time to think about or obsess about the TWW .... however during the workday sitting at my desk is a WHOLE other story! I feel like all I do is stress and think about it and wonder "Will this EVER happen for me?!"[/QUOTE]

I hear ya! at work I am the same way....I think and think and more think about things....it will happen for us!! its only a matter of time! we are overdue!!
We didn't discuss any names of the injectibles. She said if I need them the nurse will discuss and show me how to use if there are no cysts on my Day 3 scan.

My benefits are great for everything but fertility. They will not cover anything related to it. So far everything has been out of pocket and will continue to be. We haven't talked about how many rounds we'd try of injectibles before we move on, but likely more than 2 or 3 since IVF is so expensive. You are so lucky to have great benefits!

I'm already being negative about my chances too. I think it's a self protection thing - you know, if I don't get too excited I won't be let down.:shrug:

We are going away this weekend so I won't have a chance to obsess about things. Luckily things are crazy at work right now so I don't have time to worry about things there.

Have a great weekend everyone!
my job is pretty physical so when I had the Clomid bloat, my coworkers would do anything that involved heavy lifting. Luckily I work with all women, so they are pretty understanding!

Your post and profile picture led me to look at your profile details...I'm a veterinary assistant too! Do you ever worry that your exposure to radiation and anesthesia could be causing fertility problems? I have that concern, and have asked my ob/gyn who has assured me that it isn't an issue. But I still kind of wonder.
my job is pretty physical so when I had the Clomid bloat, my coworkers would do anything that involved heavy lifting. Luckily I work with all women, so they are pretty understanding!

Your post and profile picture led me to look at your profile details...I'm a veterinary assistant too! Do you ever worry that your exposure to radiation and anesthesia could be causing fertility problems? I have that concern, and have asked my ob/gyn who has assured me that it isn't an issue. But I still kind of wonder.

I don't really as I work at a Humane Society and we don't do surgeries or rads in house, when I was working at the Veterinary College I was more concerned but didn't spend much time in the anesthesia or radiology dept. I think as long as you track your hours in radiology before pregnancy and wear a mask in anesthesia if you do become pregnant, you should be fine. And honestly? Those folks working in anesthesia were a fertile bunch...when I left there were about 7 or 8 pregnant ladies in there!!
I am having my first IUI end of next week. According to my ultrasound I had 16 follicles and the donor had a count of 100+ million one time and 320+ million the second time. However, the doctor said some sperm freeze well and others do not. I am nervous though because they said they were just going natural (I don't think they are going to give me a trigger or anything). I don't want multiples, but I also am hoping for the best chance of conception. I was just curious if anyone else did it naturally? Thanks. Baby dust to everyone. This is such a ride!
Babydust to you all i am going tommarrow to my re and find out what our next step is gonna be im nervous. I was able to see my results but do any one know wat test they do to check to see if u oed?
Well ladies thought I would drop in and give an update as I've been off BnB for a week or so - trying to give myself a mental break during the TWW - hoping it helps me relax and not be so anxious!! I'm now around 10dpo and while I am "thinking" that my boobs hurt I am positive this is totally in my head .... I am doing NO symptom spotting and just trying to relax.

I did have my follow up with my Dr. yesterday afternoon to determine the path forward if the natural cycle doesn't work and to get more information on the results from the laproscopy. He said that everything is totally normal other than the 3 small stage 1 patches of endometriosis they removed so there is no physical reason why we cannot get pregnant. Also indicated that my hormone levels, my progesterone, my lining thickness has been fine throughout the cycle monitoring so no need to worry about anything there - it is just the attempt to get me to produce more follicles.

So the plan is to try Gonal F next month and one more month after that if required and then we would be off to IVF as that would be four failed IUI and 7 failed stimulated cycles. I have my injection training tomorrow afternoon and will start the drugs next week - YIKES - if no luck this month!!!! I'm SO paranoid about the Gonal F pen, despite the fact that so many of you tell me its easy peasy. Any tips for making it less painful?????
I totally know what you mean Carolyn! I am trying so hard not to SS and to just stay positive! Great news on the laproscopy!!! Hope this month is your month.

Let me know all about your training. If this cycle doesn't work then I'm off for training too.

I have no idea though when I should test. If I go 14 days after trigger it will be the 25th, if I test 14 days after ovulation then I would expect the 26th. However, if I go by my 'normal' cycle I wouldn't officially be late until the 29th. I don't want to test too early.
I totally know what you mean Carolyn! I am trying so hard not to SS and to just stay positive! Great news on the laproscopy!!! Hope this month is your month.

Let me know all about your training. If this cycle doesn't work then I'm off for training too.

I have no idea though when I should test. If I go 14 days after trigger it will be the 25th, if I test 14 days after ovulation then I would expect the 26th. However, if I go by my 'normal' cycle I wouldn't officially be late until the 29th. I don't want to test too early.

I'll post an update today after I get back from the training. Although working in the industry, writing labels for this type of product I have a pretty good idea what I am suppose to do with the "pen" but I'll see what tips they have for me!

I also am not sure when to test ... I got the positive OPK on Thursday 11th so I either ovulated on the 12th or even maybe on the 13th. AF would be due on the 26th so I think I'm going to wait till the 27th at a minimum to test, if not the 28th ;)
I'm trying to wait too! Although it's getting harder day by day.
Ok update on the training .... it was REALLY overwhelming! However, the information material and the stuff they gave me looks pretty straight forward and I think the actual injecting part will be ok.

I was having MAJOR meltdowns after the training and yesterday because I cannot believe it has come to this. I keep thinking "this is not fair! why me? why us? what did we do to deserve this?" and then the fear and panic set in that if this doesn't work that we will be faced with IVF and at that point that is our last resort ... and I guess the reality set in of where we are, what little options we have left and that I might need to accept the fact that kids are not meant to be for us. So needless to say its been a rough few days.

Still trying to hold out some HOPE that I won't need to do this at all .... I think I'm going to try and wait till Sunday morning to POAS - Sunday would be 2 days late.

What about you? Have you picked your test date???
Ok update on the training .... it was REALLY overwhelming! However, the information material and the stuff they gave me looks pretty straight forward and I think the actual injecting part will be ok.

I was having MAJOR meltdowns after the training and yesterday because I cannot believe it has come to this. I keep thinking "this is not fair! why me? why us? what did we do to deserve this?" and then the fear and panic set in that if this doesn't work that we will be faced with IVF and at that point that is our last resort ... and I guess the reality set in of where we are, what little options we have left and that I might need to accept the fact that kids are not meant to be for us. So needless to say its been a rough few days.

Still trying to hold out some HOPE that I won't need to do this at all .... I think I'm going to try and wait till Sunday morning to POAS - Sunday would be 2 days late.

What about you? Have you picked your test date???

I know it is so difficult. When I met my husband he was and still is the man of my dreams. Then I found out he could not have kids. It was difficult. You do have time. I have a friend and it took her and her husband two years to conceive naturally. I know it is so tough! Believe me, I am 37 and have watched all my girlfriends, sisters etc. have babies, and I am still waiting. It's hard to believe it will happen when you've gone this long, but I am going to stay positive. On a side note, right before IUI, I had to get a biopsy today for breast cancer and it was a bit tough, but I am moving forward with IUI next month and looking forward to breast feeding! Baby Dust to everyone! It will happen! :hugs:
I am sending all the babydust possible to you Carolyn!

Unfortunately I'm out this month. The spotting and cramping started yesterday and I broke down and poas'd - BFN! I also had a major meltdown... as I was driving to work. There I am trying to wipe tears off my face and look presentable to walk into work. I'm just so frustrated that I'm here. I am scared to death of needles and here I am waiting for the official Day 1 so I can schedule my day 3 scan...all the time hoping that there are no cysts so I can give myself injections. I know this will be worth it in the end, but wow, it is emotional.

I did see a naturopath today to start accupuncture. At this point I'm willing to try anything.

I am so hoping you'll get your BFP this month.

Oh, my laptop died...I'm borrowing a computer right now. Not sure how often I'll get on until I get a new pc.

TTYL and good luck to all.

I am out too .... Af showed up today :( so I have to call my clinic tomorrow and book my cd3 u/s and go for blood work.

Really hoping that the injectables work for both of us!!
so sorry Carolyn and Mary! I was so hoping this would be it for both of you!

many hugs and the best of luck to you next cycle! it will happen its only a matter of time!

Monica hoping you are having a great vacation!!!

Mary - had my day 3 scan today and got my injections. Sat down before dinner to give it to myself and within 2 min it was done and over with and I never even felt the needle! I am a needle phobe and it was SO easy!!! I definitely think I'm overcoming my fear of needles. Today when I had my blood drawn I didn't even need my iPod :)

Monica - still hoping you get your BFP and don't have to do any more of this like Mary and I are having to!!

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