I am only on my second month of Clomid - the 50mg dosage worked for me. (also diagnosed with PCOS and have been TTC for the past 13months - this month marks our 14th month) I am not sure what day I ovulated but the doc thought between day 14 and 17. I was told to BD every other day from CD 10 to CD 20 so that I wouldn't miss our window of opportunity.
I had two mature follicles and a healthy uterus lining on my first round (sometimes Clomid can thin the wall lining which makes it more difficult for implantation), but unfortunately no BFP. The good news is that the medication was effective in helping me to ovulate so perhaps now it is only a matter of time
Depending in your average cycle length, you could ovulate into Day 16 or sometimes later. Also, it is quite possible that you won't track your ovulation by opk's. I tried it last month and found it stressful and not really helpful (some of the tests are difficult to decipher). I had my day 21 bloodwork done and that confirmed ovulation had happened. What 'schedule' for lack of a better word does your doc have you on? Are you being monitored on days 14 and 21?
I wish you all the best - hang in there - I think the first cycle is especially challenging because you don't know what to expect or if it will work. Also, I know my hopes were super high for the first cycle - I psyched myself up into believing that I would be one of the lucky ones who would get pregnant on the first cycle! Chances of that are 1 in 5 (assuming ovulation has happened!) and unfortunately I wasn't one of those lucky ones.
Give yourself 3 months on Clomid. And by that I mean mentally prepare yourself for 3 months of TTC on Clomid. From what I have read, a decent percentage get pregnant within 3 months of the correct dosage to trigger ovulation. And that number goes significantly up at the 6 months mark.
I empathize with how you must be feeling - it wasn't long ago that I was on my first cycle and really not knowing what to expect. I would be happy to be your
"cycle buddy" if you have any questions or while you wait to test. As mentioned above I am no expert in Clomid, as I am currently on CD6 of my second round, but I know the agony of TTC for such a long time and how it can drive you a little wonky!
Please keep me updated on the progress!