1st IUI With injections attempt - August 2010


Mum to 2 beautiful girls
Nov 28, 2008
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Hi there,

Well I think I now qualify for the LTTC section! I have been in and out for a few months now, but feel like I belong here now.

Long Story Short - Been ttc since September 2008, Came off the pill and had no period for 6 months, was referred to the gyne, who ran some test all came back satisfactory, although they believe I may have PCOS. Had long irregular cycle 130+ days so was prescribed clomid 50mg which worked but sadly all 6 cycles were bfn. Since the clomid I have been referred to the IVF/ICSI and IUI Departments. I am scheduled to start IVF in January and in the meantime going for the IUI in my next cycle.

So here I am! I am to take Norethisterone on 30th July to 8th August so that it will start my period to match the timetable at the hospital. Day 1 of my cycle will be 12th August 2010.

12th August - Ultrasound scan to check all is good
13th August - Start Suprecur Injections
14th August - Start Gonal F Injections
20th August - Ultrasound scan cd9
23rd August - Ultrasound scan cd12
25th August - If all is well 1st IUI Treatment today!

In a state of shock I think at the minute, as only had my referral appointment today, and feel that this has all happend very quickly. I am very excited, but really not sure what to expect.

Any one else in the same situation and going through first IUI cycle? It would be great to chat, as I really don't know what to expect.

Anyone been through this process and can tell me what they felt the process was like. Im really worried about these injections, so would be great to talk to someone who has gone through the process too.

Sorry for the huge post, but need to get it all down, to try and make some sense of it all.

Thanks xxx
Hi there, I will be just ahead of you as I start taking norethisterone on Friday ready for my IUI on 2nd august although this will be my second cycle.

My last cycle was medicated also although slightly different from yours, I took buserilin and puregon (FSH) both from cd3 right up to the night before the hcg trigger. If I'm honest the first ever injection was tricky, every time I got the needle near my leg, I pulled it away again!! These false starts went on for about ten minutes, it just isn't natural to jab yourself with something! In the end my dh did the first injection for me and it didn't hurt a bit! Really the needle is so fine that you can't feel it going it at all. I went on to do my own after that and now don't even think about it. I also learnt to make sure that you keep pressure on the injection point for as long as possible afterwards which really helps keep the bruising down.

The process otherwise is pretty straightforward, you just follow the calender from the clinic. I guess the only things that I found that I didn't know about beforehand were how much the drugs after the IUI mimicked pregnancy, the hcg trigger gave me really sore boobs for ages and the progesterone pessaries also gave me sore boobs and constant cramps so symptom spotting was a real pain as you had no idea what was real!! This of course made the tww even more tortuous than normal!!

It is all pretty nervewracking because the desire for it to work is so high, especially the first time.

Good luck *hugs*
Thanks for your reply. It does make a huge difference hearing someone else's story.

Even though they go through what seems like everything with you at the appointment it is just so hard to imagine how the situation will be and turn out.

Good Luck with your second attempt at the IUI, my fingers are tightly crossed for you!

Thanks hon and no problem, the hospitals are very good at telling you the theory but there is really nothing like coming on here and hearing about real experiences.

The "can anyone shed any light on IUI odds" thread is pretty active for those of going through IUI so you should try stopping by there for a chat too.
Thanks Ladies,

Will pop in and take a look at the other thread noe too.

Just thought I will add to this thread. I had 2 failed IUIs with letrozole. In my 3rd IUI (and a diff doc) I took clomid CD3-7 combined with HMG injections (FSH+LH) and CD 8-10 followed by HCG injection on CD 12 and u/s confirming ovulation on CD 13 and IUI on CD 13. DH figures were good. Did not have much hope thinking IUI is rubbish and I have been diagnosed with a super huge polyp in my uterus which was scheduled to be removed this cycle. I took a beta HCG on day 14piui and it was positive albeit with low numbers (24) and my second beta was 44. I still do not think I will go on to carry this pregnancy but I will def give IUIs a few more tries.
Hi I am so glad I saw this thread I will be having my first iui around august as well at first my plan was to do the iui natural with no meds I ovulate great on my own and my dh sa came back great we fell into that unexplained infertility class so right now I'm waiting on cd 1 to start the meds and gear up for my ovulation day
Hi. Great thread for us IUI newbies!! I have an appointment with a new FS tomorrow, and will most likely be doing IUI in September (I'm on vacation next month). Would love to stalk this thread, if its okay :flower:
Hi ladies,

Sorry but been a while since I popped in. Great to see other newbies in same position. I think I am now 7dpo but I was told to take meds starting when I will be 11dpo in order to match my cycle with the calendar of the hospital.

Once I am at cd1 I will have my scan and then strt injections the next day! Really worried about this part!!!

So how long has everyone been ttc naturally?
Hey everyone!

Well looks like I will start my Norethisterone tablets tomorrow until 8th August so that it will start my period to match the timetable at the hospital. Day 1 of my cycle will be 12th August 2010.

I am 10dpo today according to ff, no bfp this morning, so will check again tomorrow just in case, and if that is still bfn then I start taking the tablets.

A little worried that it may be to early to get a bfp tomorrow, and not sure of what the risks of taking these tablets are if pregnant, but I guess Im just going to have to take them anyway, as if I don't then it would probs be a bfn anyway.

Hope that makes sense!! lol How is everyone else doing? Anywone started the ball rolling with their IUI???
Hi everyone,

Been on the TTC forum for a while but didn't realise this one existed until now.

A bit of background....me and my DH have been tring to concieve now for 2 years. All the tests we had, have come back fine, I just don't seem to OV.

We were referred to the Infertility clinic at the end of last year and did 6 months on Clomid. It seemed to make a bit of difference but no BFP.

We've been referred to the assisted conception unit now and see the FS on 10th August. It's the same FS we were seeing in Infertility though ?

He's given us loads of info on IUI but I don't really understand yet how this works ? From looking at all the threads there seems to be various drugs, injections and timed intercourse all to factor in :wacko:

It seems a bit overwhelming, so thought I'd introduce myself as no doubt I'll have loads of questions over the coming weeks / months.

I'm really excited though to get started. FX this will work.

I am new to the forum too. I am currently mid-IUI#1.

Bit of a background for you;
TTC #1 since May 2003. Got BFP in June 2004. Sadly m/c in July 2004. Thought eptopic, but thankfully not! Diagnosed with PCOS though.
After 3 months of dieting to tackle PCOS I got a natural BFP in October 2004. Gave birth to baby girl July 2005 via emergency c-section (and feel very lucky to be here!).
TTC#2 since August 2006 - 18 months of trying naturally - always BFN! Followed by 7 cycles of Clomid (varying from 50mg up to 100mg). In September 2009 decided we given option of IUI, but decided we needed a break from it all (continued naturally though - BFNs)
July 2010 self-funded IUI#1 - using Menopur and Cyclogest. Am now awaiting HPT on Sunday/Monday.

Anybody else in a similar situation? Having mixed symptoms at the moment - bbs tender, then ok, then tender again; cramps yesterday, but nthg since; sharp twinge on left side where the 'boys' were placed, but again, nthg since; slightly larger 'muscle'(?) on left; maybe the starts of thrush (?) due to pessaries or pg? (who knows?) Would love to hear back from you.
hey nnn84, I was put on norethisterone too as my hospital has a really tight timetable for the IUIs so I have to match in. I started on cd21 and queried whether it would affect a pregnancy but they said it 'should be alright'. Not exactly reassuring but it is just progesterone so in theory it shouldn't do any harm taken in the latter half of your cycle.

My scan is booked in for next Tuesday! Best of luck for your cycle!

Bluebeech - there are an awful lot of approaches to IUI, some cycles are medicated, some not, some have a trigger shot, some rely on opks. Once you have had a chat with your fertility specialist, you should have a better idea which direction they will point you in! I would guess if you don't O on your own that you would have clomid or an injectable cycle with scans to ensure that your follies are responding but it really seems to be anyone's guess!

HopeandDream - Good luck!! Really hope this is a successful cycle for you! Is this your first time taking cyclogest? It really is cruel as the symptoms mimic pregnancy symptoms, I had cramps and sore bbs on my last cycle which turned out to be negative. TBH, it really is best not to try symptom spotting on it as you really can't tell what is true and what is simply a side effect! (course I know that I'll still be symptom spotting like mad anyway!!) :-P

I didn't suffer from thrush with them but they did make me very dry and sore (after he intial goo had gone, lol!). I have heard that taking them as suppositories lessens these effects and also that they are absorbed better that way so I'll be trying that this cycle...

Babydust to everyone!!
Hi MarsMaiden - feeling very tired today. Yes Cyclogest very cruel mimicking PG. Will just have to wait and see. Rang docs for a telephone consultation...QUOTE; "the doctor will ring you at some point today, Mrs..." Now almost 6pm and guess what? No call!!! Grrrrrrrrrr! Carry on being sore until Monday now hey as I daren't take anything! Pharmacist said that although the Canesten tablet is ok to take with progesterone, given the process I am going through, she would rather give it to me on prescription so that a doctor has verified that it is ok!!!!!!! My ghenuinely lovely doc is on holiday, so hence why I haven't had a call back from his doc partner or locum!!! He would flip if he knew as he is so dedicated and committed to his patients! Just want to know one way or another now!
Great to see you all on here.

I have started the northisterone yesterday. so I have over a week on these and then my scan and injections start.

Really not sure what to think or expect at this stage, but will see where the road takes us.

Good luck to all you lovely ladies! tons and tons of sticky :dust: to you all!
I'm new, too. It's nice to see a few other new members on this (less overwhelming) thread. Wow, this place is so fantastic for information!

My background:

TTC for 2 years, husband has very low sperm count. I had some endo & polyps -- surgery in Oct 09.

IUI #1 with Clomid in Feb 10, 1.5 million post-wash. BFP, but m/c at 7 weeks (growth stopped at 5 wks, according to transvag u/s).

IUI #2 with Clomid in early May, 0.9 million. BFN.

IUI #3 with Clomid & HCG trigger shot July 24. Not sure about counts, as was too upset at last count & sobbed through entire (not painless) IUI.

So, I'm in the 2ww. The hcg shot has been mimicking pg symptoms, which is a bit depressing, as I'm willing to believe any twinge, ache, pee urge, etc. is attributable to pg! :wacko:

I'm thinking that IVF is really our only good chance. But it's so, so expensive & we're not independently wealthy. OH is balking at the cost & has not agreed to IVF. Yet?
Hey this is my first time on here nice to chat to people going through same thing! My first iui attempt was cancelled yesterday Due to too many follicles was totally gutted!!! Wev been trying since sep 2008 with no luck, after lots of tests we have been told it's unexplaind!! We will go for second attempt iui start of oct this time no clomid only injections has anyone done this before am scared I go for scan and they canel it bcoz I have no follicles it's so frustrating!!
hi this is my 1st ever post on a forum.
we have been trying for a baby for 6 years now, i have PCOS i tried clomid a while back with no sucess and metaformin but that made me sick. I have to pay for treatment as i already have a daughter from a previous relationship. we tried to put baby plans to the back of our minds whilst saving and have decided we need to get moving now. can anybody give me a rough idea of the cost of IUI? I got a list from GRI when i went last year but it doesnt really tell you as i dont know what we would need and what would apply to us.... Sorry for going on but i dont know the acronyms yet....
nnn84 - So the 1st cycle of IUI was a success! xxx congrats xxx

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