Hi everyone just looking for a little bit of advice, supprt and experience really!! Ok this may be a bit of a ramble but i will start and bear with me!!! ok so I got pregnant in the month of jan/feb but had a very early mc after five weeks we dtd on a sunday 30th Jan and Saturday 5th of Feb I assumed I ovulated on the wed 2nd and the sperm from the sunday had survived and got me pregnant (i didnt opk i just had pains on the tues wed and thurs and the wed would have been 14 days) first month ttc so a bit naive and thought that you just ov 14 days after af! However looking back now it could have been the saturday morning sperm that got me pregnant! Anyway the month following my mc I used opks and got a + on a friday and an even stronger one on a saturday afternnon then negative on Sunday so I assume I ovulated late saturday early sunday!! Now i have been using opks this month cheap ones all week and then today and yesterday a cb digi last night the cb digi was negative and this morning at 10am I got a smile!!! Which is all well and good be me and oh are not going to be able to dtd until tomorrow at around 6pm at the earliest!!! do you reakon from my track record and what I have said and mentioned that has happened previous months that you think I may be in with a chance of Ovulating perhaps tomorrow or even Saturday and we may get chance to catch that egg if we dtd as soon as we can tomorrow night!
I know that the kits just let you know that you are having a surge and you can ov anytime 12- 48 hours the avarage being 36 hours but just would like some reassurance advice!!
Thank you so much in advance ladies!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that the kits just let you know that you are having a surge and you can ov anytime 12- 48 hours the avarage being 36 hours but just would like some reassurance advice!!
Thank you so much in advance ladies!!!!!!!!!!!