Ok girls--I need some practical advice lol. Yesterday was little man's first full day with the hearing aids. He did great! He wore them for almost 10 hours, and didn't seem to be bothered by them.
Our audiologist gave three suggestions for keeping them flush against his ears (not flopping.) She suggested 1) a pilot's cap 2) toupee tape 3) an ear gear band.
Well, it is very humid where we live, and he sweats like a beast, especially on his head lol. So no pilot's cap for us, at least until cooler weather. (I've also seen head/sweat bands used in a similar way, and I think this would have the same sweaty effect for him.)
So, we tried the tape half the day, and the ear gear half the day to see what worked best.
The toupee tape was great--he didn't notice it at all, and never tried to mess with the hearing aids. But it doesn't stay sticky. I think we would have to re-apply it 2-3 times a day.
The ear gear was ok--but the neck strap bugged him, so he pulled them out twice while he was wearing the strap. Not bad, but not as good as the tape.
What do your little ones use? Is there maybe some tape that is more secure than just plain old toupee tape?
I'd love any tips. : )