Well, our 5 year old was going through the screenings for kindergarten in the fall, and he can't pass the hearing test. He's fully functional, does well in pre-school, etc. So, obviously whatever loss he has would be more toward the mild end of the spectrum. But, we have a follow up appointment at the same hospital where the baby got his hearing aids. We will see the extent, and see if he has to have intervention. I'm really expecting them to say he will need hearing aids, at least during the school day. He's developmentally right on track right now, but he could really start to struggle next year in a noisy classroom if we don't get him the right help. I'm very thankful we have ways to identify and intervene. But, it does make me sad that this is probably something he's going to deal with the rest of his life. The baby will never know anything different. But I'm worried the 5 year old might have a hard time adjusting if he needs something. He's such a sweet, smart kid, and I just want him to do well and be successful. It is what it is! I know God sees the big picture, and will work everything out. But it is nerve-wracking being a mom lol.