My DD who is 9 and a half weeks is only capable of being awake for around an hour in the daytime before she starts crying with tiredness. She fights sleep like a demon and needs lots of help napping. I try to get her to sleep in her car seat with rocking/dark room/white noise but if that doesn't work I let her sleep on me, in my arms or in the sling. In her car seat she sleeps 45 minutes max, and usually wakes crying. On me she can sleep longer but if she does usually it involves at least one waking, crying, in the middle of the nap and I have to stand up and rock her back off again.
At night we take her up around 7pm and settle her in her cot after a bf. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to settle her (pick up, rock, put down) but once she is fully asleep she sleeps well and bfs at around midnight, 3am and 6am, going straight back down each time without a problem, and then gets up for the day at 7-8am.
I would love her to drift off to sleep on her own in the day but she doesn't. Not even in the car or pram. She's just like her brother was, and I'm a fairly crappy sleeper (wired/insomnia) so I know where they get it from!