2 yrs old DD speech delayed - I'm scared & depressed


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2010
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Hello all,

I need your support, opinion, and also success stories if you have similar experience.

Our 1st daughter currently is 25 months old, will be 26 months old in June 15th.

She reached her physical milestones on time. She's been walking since she's 1 year and 2 weeks old.
She loves climbing.
She can solve simple 4-5 pieces of shapes or animal wood puzzles.
She can stack blocks taller than her.

But, she hasn't said a word at all.

My DH and I think it's partly our fault for letting her watch TV/iPad for hours and not do floor play. We thought she would be able to learn to communicate by herself by looking at us talking, like how she learned how to sit, crawl, walk on her own.

When she was under 1 year old, she sometimes babbles ma..ma..ma.... and then da...da..... da, then it's just stopped after a few weeks.

She has poor receptive language (can't follow instructions at all).
We thought it's just selective hearing. She responds to her name, sometimes.

My DH and I thought she's just a slow talker, and nothing wrong with her because when she wants/needs something, like a drink, she pulls our hands to her cup on the kitchen counter, or if she wants to watch a cartoon, she pulls our hand to the computer. If she wants to go out, she goes grab her shoes herself and ask our help to put them on.

Her pediatrician said not to worry until she's 2.5 yrs old, because his daughter only made screeching sounds until she's 3. That's why we weren't worried, until now.

But we can't wait anymore, we went to a speech therapist a few weeks ago to get her evaluated, she did poorly. She couldn't follow instruction and only said "aaaa wwaaa waaaa." We will meet the therapist again in 2 weeks.

We are still waiting for her hearing test scheduled, but I think her hearing is fine.

I feel SO embarrassed when my daughter and I meet other kids at the playground. She only screams waaa waaaa waaaaa all the time, while the other kids try to talk to her.

At the playground, she usually just plays alone. If she plays with a kid she knows, the only game she knows is "I run, you chase, and if you run, I chase", I'm not sure if that's standard for her age?

It's difficult to find mommy groups here since it's a small town.

She's still breastfed, since it's the only way to put her to sleep and she only eats a handful of solid. She sleeps okay at night, on good days she can sleep 8-9 hrs straight.

So, any of you have success stories with a kid similar to mine?

My sister told me she knew a boy who didn't talk at all until he's 2.5 almost 3 yrs old.
A friend of mine has a son, he said his son didn't talk until 1 month before his 3rd birthday.

I try to be optimistic, but it is very hard, I often cries when she's taking her nap on my lap.

Thank you for reading.
First of hugs I know what you're going through my son turned 3 in April there and has speech delay. he has some words and some small sentences like ready steady go oh dear I call Sam (fireman sam) god sake man and can count to 10
it can be really difficult if say he's doing something that can be a danger to him because I can't explain to him why or he can't ask why and he will just get upset and scream or cry.
We are currently on the waiting list for speech therapy we've been waiting 7 bloody months though we are having our own wee success here and there they might seem small to others but are huge to me like when he says one new word it's massive and wee had been trying to potty train which is difficult as he won't say I need a pee or I need potty but what you need to bare in mind with a child who has speech delay is to be patient and my god I know how hard that can be. It took us a few months but now he will go and get his potty bring it to me pee and now even poo in it then go flush it away now if you told me he'd be doing that a few months back I would have told you you were mad. We do have to put pull ups on him when we go out though as he doesn't use a word to indicate he needs the toilet.
Things you can do that will help is turn the TV off and sit on the floor with her read her a book or sing a nursery rhyme this is how we got my son counting singing a 1 to 10 song he really loves singing he's going to nursery next week to so I'm hoping this will help wig his speech too.
It's really positive that you've already seen a speech therapist and you do really need to try and stay positive and 1 wee word might not seem much to others but remember how massive and amazing it is for her
When my son 1st sung his 1 to 10 song just out the blue yeah he missed a few numbers and he said again at the end of the song I had tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat I was so so proud of him.
It won't be like this forever
The speech therapist that I spoke with told me to keep things simple back to basics speak directly to her slowly and clear flash cards are good to just hang in there allow her the time she needs to come on don't try and rush her xxx
My son barely spoke a word up until a few months before 3.at 2 he could barely say 2-3 single words and stayed that way til we put him in private speech therapy.even then his progress was slow.he was still at single words until he suddenly took off with speech.he went from maybe 20 words tops to in a matter of weeks talking long sentences and counting and naming colours.all of which I thought wasn't sinking in because of his lack of expression.turns out he was just quietly taking it all in.he is now quite intelligent with a very cheeky humorous personality and has a few little best mates at daycare (he is only 3 turning 4 in November so quite a short space of time for such development). He is even able to recognize a few of his sisters sight words for school and is interested in learning reading.
If there are no other signs that make you think she might have other issues then I would get her some private speech therapy and just follow their home instructions,then wait til she is older before you really start to worry =)
My second child was delayed in speech and only picked up after 3. She doesnt have any special needs, as far as we are aware. It was just a delay. Speech therapy will help and do get her hearing tested, but it may well be shes mastering everything else before getting to speech.
my best advice hun is to just be patient. I know its really really hard sometimes but she will get there.

DS1 has a speech delay and suspected ASD along with some other issues. Up until he was 4 he only had one or two words.. at 4... he just seemed to take off! And to be honest... the tablet/tv have helped him immensly! He was always watching youtube and his first proper sentences were talking about kinder eggs (he watched videos of a guy opening them). Now he talks non stop! Its hard to understand him sometimes and he repeats himself a lot trying to get his sentence out but he gets there. Nursery are in for a shock when he goes back with how much progress he has made. NONE of this is thanks to speech therapy.. he was lucky to see her once every few months and all she did was watch him as she didnt think he was ready for proper speech therapy. Its all been down to me sitting with him. Flash cards are amazing for simple words and numbers. He has not long learned to count to 10 all by himself and is now even getting to 20 sometimes! He started singing row row your boat a few months back and my heart melted! That was the first nursery rhyme he ever sang.

make little games to play with her that include speech and numbers. or play "match the card" with some coloured card. Start with only 2 or 3 colours so its easier then slowly build it up over time.

My boy is still way behind where he should be at coming 5 years old... but to me he is perfect. He has come on so so far from this time last year. If my laptop battery wasnt going dead id try post videos for you to see the difference in my son from 2 years to 4 years and its simply amazing <3 Please dont be embarrased of taking her out to the park... embrace her problems and life will be so much easier. help her interact with the other children. A lot of kids wont give my son the time of day but others are so so supportive xx
@lynne1983 - 7 months?! That's crazy!!

Thanks for the replies and words of encouragement.

My main worry is her severe receptive delay, she doesn't follow simple directions like give me or that or kick the ball or get your shoes.Without this skill, she can't understand what I say.

She takes my hand when she wants something, show me how to help her stack lego pieces, she will get her shoes when she wants to go out.

I've been trying to read to her, but she always grabs and throws the book away. The only books she can stand are Curious George and Hungry Caterpillar.She hates flashcards the most. I dunno why. She'd rather play, watch cartoons or go outdoor.

I hope she gets better and wanting to learn to communicate more when she's older.
I just want one word....just one... and huge burden on my shoulders will be lifted.
:hugs: She will get there hun.. my lil guy didnt show tht he understood us till he was 3. Then it all started slowly falling into place :)

have you seen any gps or anything about your worries so she can be seen by a pead? xx
thanks sethmummy

I don't see a general practitioner, that's what you mean by GPS, right?
I only have 1 pediatrician for her.

I talked to a friend who had a 3 years old son. He said he's exactly the same way as my daughter. He spat out his first word after his 3rd birthday.

I hope she's just a late bloomer like his son and yours. She sort of doesn't act like a girl, she's not mellow. She prefers going outside, kick a soccer ball, and run around outside.
yeah thats what i mean by a GP :D

My eldest sees a load of different people but he always has done since he was born wiht his special needs.

Ill see if i can get these videos to upload

this is him 2 years 4 months old and this was the ONLY way he communicated with us


and then this is him 3 months ago at 4 years and 5 months old


such a huge huge difference!
Yip 7 months absolute joke so it is.
He's starts nursery on Thursday which I think will be great for him. Xx
Yip 7 months absolute joke so it is.
He's starts nursery on Thursday which I think will be great for him. Xx

nursery is fantastic :) DS1 has been going since just under 2 and it helped him loads.
Yip 7 months absolute joke so it is.
He's starts nursery on Thursday which I think will be great for him. Xx

nursery is fantastic :) DS1 has been going since just under 2 and it helped him loads.

I'm really excited for him going to be round little people his own age. Also there will be someone from the panda centre ( kids development) going to observe him once he's settled in a bit to see if there's anything she can bring to help him in his learning environment. She'll have a meeting with his key worker and me. Do you mind me asking how many hours do you put your little 1 in? I've not use all his 16 hours I worry how they will manage him he can be a proper hand full. They did say if I want to add my hours to let them know x
Thanks for the videos sethmummy!

Yeah, my DD is pretty much making one kind of sound like that, not babbling at all.
I hope she will improve soon.

Lynne, I'm planning to enroll her in nursery or preschool when she's 3, but DH wants to enroll her when she's 2.5. Just gonna do 3-4 hrs kind of preK.

Still looking around for a school that accepts special needs children. The one I want her to go only accepts children 3 yo and up.

I probably just wait for our speech session and ask advice about the school thing.
Yeah that's what we've done he was 3 in April so this is his pre school nursery the good thing is the way my son's birthday falls he will actually do 2 years at nursery I'm happy with this as I don't like to rush him with anything. We can get 16 hours free for nursery iv only used 10 just now to see how he goes x
I had speech delay as a baby (did not even say words til I was 3) but that is easily explained by my level of hearing loss. I will read through other comments before I say much more but you can rest assured that even with speech therapy your baby will learn to talk eventually. People now days don't even realize I was speech delayed as a baby until I say something about my life experience.
Lynne, When he first started we only started with 1 hour and then built it up (since he was just under 2). When he started his 1st nursery year (at 3) he did monday - Fri 9am - 11:30am. And then we changed it to monday 9-11:30 .. then we'de take him out for his lunch then 1-3:30, and then tues-thurs 9-11:30

BUT once he goes back after these holidays (this is his extra year... he's already had his two pre-school years but we deffered him from Primary school as hes just not ready and still in nappies) he will be doing monday 9am - 4pm.. although they will call us if they have any problems and we will go get him.. then tuesday - Thursday 9-12.

you should also be offered more hours now hun as its gone upto 600 hours free a year in scotland.

You tend to find they act completely different at nursery to they do at home. seth is mostly a little angel at home although there have been a couple incidents with him hitting etc. Im dreading him going back next week because all his friends have moved upto primary without him and his favourite teacher has gone too. I know were going to have a few teething problems to start with but you just cut the hours and then build them back up again if they are struggling at any point.

Bunny if you speak to the speech therapist they should know some schools that take special needs. Ds1 has been going to his (private nursery) since before we knew about his suspected ASD so they kind of had no choice but they are usually great with him xx
Hi there,
Your child sounds pretty similar to mine and, not wanting to worry you, Matthew was diagnosed with autism when he turned 4. He started speech therapy at 2, he had some words but his receptive language was terrible, he played Chase with my niece but no other games and had no real interest in other children, preferring cars/blocks/jigsaws and he doesn't tolerate other children interfering in his play. Matthew wouldn't ask for anything if he could get it himself, would never say he is hungry, cold, tired etc. Your child is very young and speech delay can precipitate autistic traits which rectify themselves when language comes, that's why it is difficult to get an autism diagnosis before 4 years old. Ask to see a developmental pediatrician and speech therapist, they look out for symptoms and may be able to give more info. I understand your embarrassment around other parents, however you and your oh need to understand that you have done nothing to cause these issues. Many children learn language from tv so too much tv shouldn't be an issue in language development. Just remember that your child is special and unique and although it is difficult now it will become easier!
Hi there,
Your child sounds pretty similar to mine and, not wanting to worry you, Matthew was diagnosed with autism when he turned 4. He started speech therapy at 2, he had some words but his receptive language was terrible, he played Chase with my niece but no other games and had no real interest in other children, preferring cars/blocks/jigsaws and he doesn't tolerate other children interfering in his play. Matthew wouldn't ask for anything if he could get it himself, would never say he is hungry, cold, tired etc. Your child is very young and speech delay can precipitate autistic traits which rectify themselves when language comes, that's why it is difficult to get an autism diagnosis before 4 years old. Ask to see a developmental pediatrician and speech therapist, they look out for symptoms and may be able to give more info. I understand your embarrassment around other parents, however you and your oh need to understand that you have done nothing to cause these issues. Many children learn language from tv so too much tv shouldn't be an issue in language development. Just remember that your child is special and unique and although it is difficult now it will become easier!
Hey my little boy is two and half and not talking yet.he had play based assessment a couple of months ago and they said he doesn't make eye contact has to play games on his terms and likes to line his cars up.he has his first speech therapy tomorrow so I'm nervous bout that.he understands absolutely everything we say and has said bout twenty words once but hasnt said them since and speech therapist thinks that unusual.yesterday though he started saying "go" when we say ready steady and he's saying daddy all the time now.also I started potty training him bout three weeks ago and he doin great goes himself when he needs to the only thing he find difficult is pulling pants down.plus he's starting to make eye contact which is gud.doesnt like strange adults saying hello he won't look at them but he loves kids.he loves his cars and cud play all day with them( by play I mean lining them up putting them in washing basket and washing them in sink.has to close every door after us which I think is our fault coz we have two cats that live indoors and we always closing doors to certain rooms so they don't go in.its not a big deal to anyone else but we got so excited hearing him say go yesterday.hopefully the speech therapy helps.
:haha: Molly u stole my son!

He's just lined peppa George mummy and daddy pig next to the ( seemingly never ending) line of jcbs.

My son is 25 months, can say 10 words but mostly doesn't really say anything. We are starting sign language next month. He did have some words around 13 mo the then lost them all which is why he's being looked at for possible ASD too.

My husband has perfect hearing and no learning difficulties or additional needs and he did not not talk until 5 :hugs: which is really irritating as mil thinks ds is " normal " and that there's nothing to be worried about until 5/6 :dohh:

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