Ooo Amber exciting stuff!! I hope you don't have too much longer to wait hun!
Congratulations Claire!!
Louise I can't believe they said that to you! Sam is on the 9th percentile and has been from the start, she should be supporting you not making you feel like you aren't doing it right!! Alfie looks gorgeous and like he is doing really well and sounds like you are doing what is best for him!! My midwife recommended we upped what we were giving Sam and he just kept throwing it back up so we changed it back! Don't blame you for being angry.
So sorry I have been MIA, this motherhood lark takes up so much time, can't believe I live my life by 3 hour cycles now!!

Well Sam is doing really well, he is putting on weight all the time, he went from 5lb 12 to 6lb 10 in a week

and the midwife checked my lood pressure on Tuesday and reckoned he must be 7lb by now just by giving him a cuddle. I'm ff rather than bf, had real issues with the bf and got myself so down and felt so guilty about moving to formula but I've got myself over that now as he is doing so well and is generally happy lol so it can't be doing him any harm! Can't believe he is 3 weeks now, doesn't feel like 3 weeks ago I was recovering and still the size of a balloon with all the water retention!!
Finally managed to get some pictures that will upload on here... The first one is the day we bought Sam home and the other two were taken this week!