Hey girls no update from me either been in bed most of the day since a migraine struck me at lunch time had to call oh who was out to come home quickly to look after our son. I was in so much pain with my migraine I get them really bad blurred vision to the point I can't actually see and go partly blind, slurred speech, and paralysis down half my face that is similar to a stroke it's horrific going to book an appointment in with my doc tomorrow as the pain is so bad I can't function at all and have to lie in bed in darkness for around 7 hours until it finally subsides! I really hope he changes my medication or at the very least refer me to a neurologist for further tests like an MRI
Hope you girls are ok?
Jannah - yes I hope miracles happen for us all fingers crossed for bfp's very soon
Tatemp - I agree it's possibly your cold that's keeping your temp up I read that can happen if your ill whilst basal temping it can mess it up, hope you feel better soon
Phoenix - it will happen hun but sometimes it just can take abit more time than others unfortunately. I concieved naturally for the first time after 24 months TTC all the bfn's and then 2 yrs later what a shock I finally conceived (that ended in a MMC sadly) but I conceived so I knew it could happen it just took time which was so frustrating then I went another 24 months before I got my next BFP with the help of clomid that time but it happened and look I now have my precious DS after a total of 4 years TTC and 2 losses we got there in the end!! I used to say to myself I would never become a mum it was devastating getting all them bfn's and like yourself all my friends and family members were either pregnant or had children I lost all hope but i finally got there, I'm sure you'll become a mummy soon keep positive xx