2014-2015 baby club!

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Hello ladies
Two days on prover a and I have full fledge period CD was today
Discontinued prover a and didn't take all 5pills...
Start clomid on Sunday CD
This will be last clomid cycle..April break...Dr wants me to come for monitoring in may before giving clomid refill....
Let's hope bfp thus month.....don't wanna go on meds or testing....
Plus April no clomid and pilgrimage so no bd

Gluvk all
Well I'm back on CD1 as expected. :nope:
I'm so sad, I don't even expect a BFP anymore, but I'm still very sad when AF arrives again.
It's my birthday Monday, I haven't even planned anything, because I'm not in the mood for a party. Plus I wanted to have two kids by the time I'm thirty and the time is getting shorter day by day. Just two years left now.
Well I'm back on CD1 as expected. :nope:
I'm so sad, I don't even expect a BFP anymore, but I'm still very sad when AF arrives again.
It's my birthday Monday, I haven't even planned anything, because I'm not in the mood for a party. Plus I wanted to have two kids by the time I'm thirty and the time is getting shorter day by day. Just two years left now.

Please don't be sad hun :hugs: your not out your still younge and I believe it will happen I know it's disheartening when af shows I know the feeling all to well it's not nice and is depressing but it will happen when you least expect it, it took me 4 very long and hard years of bfn's but I got there in the end I never thought I would get a BFP but I did when I was least expecting it....typical! Happy birthday for Monday Hope you have a lovely day x
Tatemp: don't be sad. You are still so young. Perfect timing to start trying....I am turning 32....I wanted to have two kids by 35 wanted to finish my doctorate...but guess what life goes on...keep goals in life and keep moving...God Willing we will have kids soon and than we will wish we accomplished other goals in life....
I know how difficult it is..I cry every af cycle beside this one as I needed af to get onto next cycle...hope DH cooperates this cycle and it becomes little relaxing...beside becoming chore...lol

Girls I got digi thermometer today...when do I start temping..I understand everyday sometime before I leave bed....is it suppose to be cd 1...I am already on cd2....I thought this will help beside opk to learn about my irregular cycles....plus opus are pricey so temp maybe better to work with unless otherwise you get sick during cycle...what app do i need to use to plot...

Thanks so much lovely...I hope those who are waiting to test gets bfp...will give all hope ...

I am on cd2...don't recall having such painful heavy periods since clomid was cramps but lighter periods.....I couldn't sleep all night..got one side lower backache too..same side that was hurting last month which I thought I pulled the muscle....
Tatemp :hugs:
You will get there sweetie, I know how you feel EVERY month is heartbreaking!!! I cry every time - and I don't expect a BFP anymore but maybe that's the key (we are more relaxed that way)?

Chocolate all the way.
You need to celebrate your birthday, it might take your mind off of things for 10 seconds.

Jannah - you need to temp as soon as you wake up in the morning before you get out of bed (this hives your resting temp).
I've temped for a couple of days since these symptoms started and I'm confused. My temp has gotten higher each day and as I understand it that is normal. I think it will drop before AF shows xxx
Jannah you can start temping now your only cd2 in so not to worry I started just after ovulation last cycle just to familiarize myself with it and getting used to recording my info down I started properly this cycle and like you I'm doing it to monitor my cycles as they have been known to be irregular. I use fertility friend I downloaded the app on my phone aswell which is handy to have to note down your temps, symptoms ect. I take my temp every morning straight after I wake and before I get out of bed ( I leave my digi on the floor next to bed so easily at hand) and take my temp 7am when oh's alarm sounds and wakes for work hope that answers some questions x
Jannah-I temp every morning when my alarm goes off for work before I get out of bed. On my days off, I still set my alarm, take my temp real quick and then go back to bed. I have one of the bbt's that remember the temp so I don't have to. Just look at it again when I go to chart later on. A lot of people use fertility friend but I use lily pro. It's another app and I feel it's a lot more user friendly and just quicker to use. I've used both but prefer lily pro. You can start temping any time during the cycle but you won't see your pattern until a couple cycles have gone by. It's really cool looking back at your cycles and finding the patterns.

Tatemp-I know it's hard when af comes. I get upset, too, but let's look to the next cycle and stay positive. Our thoughts and emotions have a huge effect on our bodies and sometimes we have to do whatever it is that makes us feel peace or comfort. Maybe do something to treat yourself and give your body and spirits a pick-me-up. A massage? A day of shopping? Or lunch with a friend? Hugs to you** you will get through this and you are definitely not alone in this frustrating journey.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend:-)
Hey everyone

How are you all?

I have to say this 2ww is killing me!!!
The cramps have eased but come back sporadically, slight backache too. I hope it doesn't mean I'm in for a bad AF a week Monday!!!

Also today I had quite a bit if clumpy white cm ( sorry if tmi) no odour or anything - what the heck us that about?
Oooo...Phoenix, that sounds promising. I've read that the clumpy white cm is a sign. How many days until you can test? I'm excited for you.

I don't have anything to wait for this tww unfortunately. Because of hubby's cold, we weren't able to bd on the right days. Now I have the cold. It's ok, though. We'll try next cycle. Anybody have any idea on how you'll break the news to dh when the time comes? Just curious. I always liked reading pregnancy reveal stories. Haha!
Rcp thanks sweetie I'm just REALLY hoping it's not an infection!! Everything online says it can be either!

I'm honestly getting my hopes up which is silly as when AF turns up I will be devastated!!! My oh wants us to test Sat am, as AF isn't due until Monday.

Sorry you couldn't bd at the right times although if you bd near o you are still in with a chance - big hugs.

Reveal story for me is mainly family related as the oh insists in letting poas then coming into the bathroom to get the result together.

What about you??? Xx
I usually don't tell dh about pregnancy result. If AF starts, 1)I am crying or 2)I tell him AF started I am upset.
He connects the dots on his own....few times I had nausea dizz spells due to clomid & he wanted me to test. Even then I don't go break news to him on neg result. Usually he doesn't ask me about it either...he knows I will share when there is good news ...
Yeah. My husband has said in the past that he wants to be there for the test but I kinda wanted to have it be a surprise for him. I bought a couple of cute onesies that say "I love my daddy" and "daddy loves me". The tentative plan is to throw them in a regular load of laundry and ask him to fold it with me. Then see what happens. Of course, this could all go out the window and I might just burst at the seams if I get a bfp. Haha. Wishful thinking, maybe. But we have talked about how we would reveal to our families and everything. We would wait until about 14ish weeks before saying anything to anyone else. I work in medicine as a nurse anesthetist and the drugs I'm exposed to make my risk of miscarriage a little higher than the average person. So, we will see.

Phoenix-keep us in the loop about it all. Sounds like you could get a bfp :-)
The last time I was able to bd was a full 5 days before I ovulated. I had some cm but didn't really take too much note of it at the time because I wasn't expecting to ovulate on cd14 because I usually O on cd18. I'm not really gonna think much on it. Just gonna wait for af to arrive and start fresh the next cycle.

Ciao ladies:-) hugs to all
Rcp - that's too cute!!!

We have talked about our big reveal to the family - my oh would never forgive me if I did the test without him.

Thx hun, I'll let you know but I'm convinced it's an infection not BFP but I can hope arggggghhhhh this WILL be the longest week EVER!!! Xxx
Oooh Phoenix sounds promising I'm excited for you :) are you going to test on Saturday how many dpo will you be? I'm hoping you get your bfp I'm rooting for you hunny! :hugs:
Had another migraine this afternoon totally sucked as the weather was the nicest day of this year so far and was enjoying it at the park with my little boy then I go and get a migraine and it ruined our day! Really sick of them now I'm fed up and its getting me so down the thing is I never had a single one until a couple of years ago they started out of the blue and now they are so frequent I get at least 1 a week but recently been getting a couple a week and this medication is not helping either! I wish there was just a cure and I could be migraine free! If only life was so simple x
Thanks for your kind words, it's lovely to hear someone genuinely hoping it's my time.

Do you think so huni? I keep thinking it can't be and has to be an infection.
Do the symptoms sound like preggo to you? I've read the cm can't be so I'm v confused.
I temped after the symptoms started as I understand it your temp rises then stays high if you are or drops if your not? I was 35.67 but yesterday I was 36.57 - I forgot to temp today.

I'll be 14dpo when we test on sat. AF is due the Monday after.

Oh no!!!! You poor thing!!! It must be so hard having to live with migraines. I have the odd attack but never regularly. I don't know how you cope.

I'm guessing yours are hormone related? Xx :hugs:
I work in Fahrenheit so based on them readings I have converted them which would be 96.20 & 97.82 and is good temperatures for someone 9dpo plus you have had a high shift between the two days which could indicate implantation? Keep checking your temp hun if it stays high that's a good sign x
OMG I have to be honest I'm bursting with excitement although if the temps don't stay high I may actually lose the plot.

I hope it's my turn - thank for the support.

Cm today was lotion like and thick (sorry if tmi) this is. Good sign as I understand it - eekkkk!!!!
Regarding cm I had tons of creamy mucus texture when I concieved my son so again that could be a good sign aswell I'm hoping it's a BFP hun fingers crossed x

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